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Question by josy: can u have sex when you are in your period?
on the tenth of this month its going to be my 5 year anniversary with my boyfriend ….. im planing something really special but the problem is that i might start my period on those days and i want us to have a magical night…. i was wondering if i am on my period on my special day Is it too inappropriate to have sex anyways?

Best answer:

Answer by Kylee Hattori
Lots of people have sex when theyre on their period but its personal preference. Some people this its too messy. Anyways yes its okay to have sex when on your period, it actually even shortens it. (:

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6 Responses to Q&A: can u have sex when you are in your period?

  • Jamie lynn says:

    No, it is ok and normal. Just a little bit messy and more lubricated. Some guys really get into it.

  • Tim R says:

    yea just do it in the shower standup doggystyle

  • Jesse says:

    No absolutely not that is immoral and disgusting.

  • Bodlagz says:

    There is no harm in having sex while on your period, it can actually improve your mood.

  • Amanda says:

    You can. I use it as an excuse to not have sex but if I really want it I’ll have sex anyway.

  • xoxbillyxox says:

    Girl just go for it! You can spice things up by doing it in the shower too, then you won’t have to worry about a mess afterwards and it is really fun. My boyfriend and I have had the same problem. Just go for it and have fun :]

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