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Kottak, Chapter 16: Political Systems
1. What are the four basic kinds of political systems, according to Elman Service?
hunter-gatherer, tribe, chiefdom, and state.
2. How is authority conferred in a band?

3. How does gender relate to leadership?
4. What is the function of age-grade systems in the political structure of tribes?
5. What kinds of societies typically have centralized political systems?
6. Distinguish between a nation and a state.
7. Describe a ‘Big Man.’
8. What is a Segmentary Lineage organization?
9. What is a sodality?
10. In what ways is religion connected with politics?
Kottak, Chapter 19: Marriage
1. Why does sexual activity require social control?
2. According to Edmund Leach, what does marriage accomplish?
3. What is the incest taboo?
4. How is incest defined in different societies?
5. Distinguish between endogamy and exogamy.
6. What is the difference between marriage and mating?
7. Characterize the typical polyganous society.
8. Describe the social and economic context of polyandry.
9. Distinguish between patrilineal parallel-cousin and matrilineal cross-cousin marriage.
10. Distinguish between bride price, dowry, and bride service.
11.. What are levirate and sororate?
12. Under what conditions are same-sex marriages practiced?
13. What marriage patterns are commonly found in the United States?
14. What factors effect the ease of divorce in various societies?
Kottak, Chapter 17: Gender
1. What is the difference between sex and gender?
2. What is a gender hierarchy?
3. How many genders are there?
4. What factors affect gender hierarchy among foraging societies?
5. What factors affect gender hierarchy among agricultural societies?
6. Describe the links found by Maxine Margolis between gender and economy in America.
7. What is the ‘Feminization of poverty?”
Kottak, Chapter 20: Religion
1. What is the supernatural?
2. What are three categories of supernatural beings?
3. What is the difference between magic and religion?
4. In what type of society in one likely to find animism?
5. Distinguish between animism and animatism (the belief in mana).
6. What is a ritual?
7. What is taboo?
8. What is a shaman and what social role does (s)he fill?
9. What are the psychological functions of religion?
10. What are the social functions of religion?
11. What is an “Olympian” religion?
12. What is a revitalization movement?
13. What is a religious syncretism?
14. Describe a ‘secular ritual.’
Kottak, Chapter 21: Arts, Median and Sports
1. Why do many cultures lack a word for art?
2. Distinguish between secular and religious art.
3. What are the basic kind of verbal arts studied by anthropologists?
3. Give an example of how myth expresses the world view of a people.
4. What are the functions of music?
5. Distinguish between art and craft.
6. According to Levi-Strauss, how can one myth or tale be recognized as a transformation of another?
7. Are there any universal characteristics of art?

Kottak, Chapter 22: The World System and Colonialism
1. What is the World System?
2. Who developed the concept of the capitalist world economy?
4. What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution?
5. What is proletarianization?
6. How does Weber’s concept of social stratification differ from that of Marx?
7. Describe the role of women in Malaysian factories.
8. What is a caste system?
9. What is an open class system?
10. Define colonialism.
11. What is industrial degradation?
12. What is imperialism?
13. What differences existed between British and French colonialism?
14. What is ‘development.?
15. Why might industrialized countries seek to ‘develop’ other countries?
16. In a Third World country, who benefits from development?
17. Development projects generally aim to help people. What might be ethnocentric about the way they try to help?

Chapter 23: Global Issues Today
1.How has the expansion of the capitalist world system impacted the environment?
2.What is ethnoecology?
3.When forces from world centers enter new societies they are often modified to fit the local culture. What is the term for this process?
4.What term does Arjun Appadurai use to describe the linkages in the modern world that have both enlarged and erased old boundaries and distinctions?
5.What is cultural imperialism?
6.How have indigenous rights movements resisted cultural imperialism?
7.What is essentialism and how does it impact ethnic interactions?
8.How have cultural diaspora impacted anthropological studies?

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