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Question by Sweets: How to balance both the animalistic and spiritual side of being human?
If I just satisfy my animal-like desires, I will not be completely satisfied, I need more meaning and fulfillment, so how does one balance both in their life? Like everything else in life, too much of anything is never good. By being completely spiritual, we neglect our innate animal side to us that we all have, but neglecting our spiritual side, we lose meaning and value to life.

Best answer:

Answer by Kristy B
do what you want. Then be full.

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6 Responses to Q&A: How to balance both the animalistic and spiritual side of being human?

  • I love Me says:

    Impossible unless you equally show the same about of affection

  • JORGE N says:

    Usually at this point one determines to take on some discipline, work or other activity that helps them concentrate more on this. I had the good fortune to have the time and space and freedom to be able to take on hatha yoga. You perhaps will take on something else. It is all good when it unites those aspects in a balanced way. For me the concentration and uniting of these aspects of my being were the most helpful things I could have ever done for myself.

  • Ji.ngleberr.ies says:

    every desire you have is animal-like, because you are an animal. your desire for spirituality comes from somewhere in your animal brain.

  • Passerby says:

    A spiritual side or life can not exist without the physical or the animal. A spiritual side or life is only possible through transforming the earthly nature — in fact one can not truly have a spiritual side without this. Part of being spiritual is through the work that one has done on the physical, to properly harmonize through self work, your earthly nature in harmony with your spiritual nature. In life, self work is the working of your earthly nature, the animal nature in you. This is where you work from. The spiritual for you, is merely a ideal, which concepts serve as a stepping stones to this reality which you must manifest in yourself. A spiritual side is a potential, not something ready made. It exist, but it exist a part from your physical life and does not exist with you at this level. It is something which comes into you, that is begins to grow in you, as you open up the body and mind to it. AND TO HAVE THIS HAPPEN IT IS ESSENTIAL to work on the natures in which you well, that is the physical.

    If you are seeking to transform the body and the lower nature associated with it, you are going to have to come to terms wit these natures and not negate them. But use what stimulates them externally, as a means to work on these realities. Without the stimulus that is necessary to invoke them into the now, the moment, then it will be impossible to truly work on them. It is only when the perspective of these natures or aspects are in the forefront to earn and be moved forward where you begin to grow a substance in you, or what can be called a higher inner force, which makes falling into such things, not happen. Because you have a higher capacity and it has become your being. But you must struggle, through the friction between the higher aspects and the lower, something new can emerge, which makes you very capable. Also through helping others, you can help yourself. As you do unto others you do unto yourself, you can develop these natures in you by proxy of someone who is immersed in a issue that has plagued you also in the past.

    What is important that you come to understand that this must become a marriage. We have opposite polarities in us, and the way we are transformed is through uniting things. It is not through negation. Your lower nature must be brought into harmony with the higher life that is unknown to you, in this way you bring about the necessary conditions for that higher life to begin to manifest in you.You must bring it down to yourself, by changing the vibration of what you dwell in. Thus the animal nature and the body, is the work one must begin with. This is spiritual alchemy.

  • Zsolt H says:

    You are absolutely spot on.
    We need to balance the two sides, two huge forces pulling us aside.
    Our freedom comes from the moment we stand in the middle, and we sense both sides to the same degree, because only in that position can we choose, or balance them.
    This work is called working with three lines, as we have to remain on the third, middle line keeping the two forces in balance.
    How to do it?
    We need a special practical method that can first of all take us to the point of freedom, when we can feel both forces to the same extent, and this method also gives us the tools to maintain that balance.
    Here is a link to the free study of this method if you are interested:
    All the best.

  • James C says:

    God told Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply. Earthlings designed marriage certificates.. HE always needs vehicles for his soul’s adventures.?

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