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Question by nmlady1960: I need help with my humanities question on indigenous traditions ?
Is there any equivalent to the vision quest in today’s modern society? If so, what is it?

Best answer:

Answer by Elbie
Our Healing Earth Quest is a type of a modern day vision quest. This is a type of rite of passage and initiation. Here we inquire into ourselves and the wild world during an extended period of aloneness, in order to transform our lives for the good of our people. Traditionally in many cultures this was used as a rite of passage into adulthood or at a time of personal or community crisis, when one was seeking an answer to a challenge. So often we come to a moment in our lives when things break down…when we know we can no longer continue to live and move and relate like we have been. We must ask ourselves in this letting go, what is my vision of newness in my world. And, in turn in seeing our new vision, how can I most fully let go of what has been up to now? The vision quest can be a container for moving through these times of crisis and movement, held by loving hearts and caring souls.

In my experience, and in reading accounts, of some modern day vision quests, simply staying alone in the wilderness for a few days may bring a feeling of connection with nature and a chance to reflect deeply, but that alone rarely brings the visionary component that marks a successful traditional vision quest. Learning a spiritual practice that can open one to receive vision, and using it to prepare oneself before seeking a vision in nature, works best.

Modern people have lost their vision, beliefs and values. We feel separated from our roots in nature and in history. Fortunately, modern wilderness vision questing retains the three-stage process of traditional rites of passage: preparation (“severance from everyday life”), completion of a three or four-day fasting time alone in nature (“threshold”) and re-entry back into daily life (“incorporation”) (Foster and Little 1988; Foster 1995). This time tested formula for reconnecting to that which is most important to individuals and communities works to reconnect the body, mind and heart (or repair the lost connection to earth and spirit). Constantly bombarded by the pressures of our culture, where many things profound or beautiful are trivialized or popularized, where life is for the young and beautiful, we are led to believe that status or material possessions will make us happy or that finding the right person, mate or guru, will solve all our problems. But of course that is not true – the answers lie within each of us – we just have to find them. Wilderness has long been known as a place of peace, self-discovery and renewal, where it’s possible to slow down and gain insights on the most profound issues in our lives. Such are the goals of modern wilderness vision questing (Riley 1986; Hart 1996).

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