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Question by Unknown: Is their alot of sexual affairs in the military that goes on? I belive its called franterzation my spelling is?
probably off. Is their alot of that that goes on an goes unreported? What is the percentage of this that goes on in the military?

Best answer:

Answer by Wes
I’m sure there are unreported incidents of fraternization going on as we speak in the military. Although it is frowned upon many still do it in their free time.

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9 Responses to Q&A: Is their alot of sexual affairs in the military that goes on? I belive its called franterzation my spelling is?

  • huckleberryjay says:

    As a veteran, I can tell you, I definitely did my part! 😉

  • Kal-El says:

    Sexual affairs and fraterinzation are two different things. You can have a sexual affair with anyone. Fraternization is where you have a relationship with someone of a higher (or lower) rank that is deemed “out of bounds” by the military.
    Sexual affairs happen all the time but much more in the military. When soldiers are depolyed the wives get lonely and do things they shouldn’t. Ftaternization however doesn’t happen quite so much. There are strict rules agains it and the penalties can be pretty steep. I hope this helps!

  • dakotanorthe says:

    Yes plenty off affairs that goes on that is unreported. Percentage I can’t say but it’s a lot

  • Killer Queen says:

    No I wouldn’t say there is a lot. Some does occur on remote assignments or deployments. Not serious but people who are lonely. Fraternatization is when two military members engage in sexual activity. It happens less then in civilian life though. It can be a serious crime depending on the circumstances and one that most will not risk.

    I would say there are more wives at home who have affairs then military members. And some branches have more than others. The Army is notorious for that, unfortunately. But they also deploy much more and for longer periods.

  • Angela D says:

    Fraternization in the sexual sense you mean in relation to the military is only between commissioned and enlisted personnel.

    Having a partner also in the military is not fraternization….it all depends on your respective ranks.

    It’s to do with creating problems that potentially upset the smooth running of the unit…for obvious reasons.

  • b123153h says:

    Not as much as you would expect, when I was in they could hang you if caught with another mans wife and if someone killed you in rage because he caught you they would not press charges. And like the other correct answers it’s between the ranks of the men and women not civilians, when I was in a lady was married to a Corporal who had sex with another member in our unit who was an E-4 and they Re-stationed both the men and sent the guys wife back to the U.S. they guy that had cheated wrote back to us and said he had been court marshaled and discharged from the service

  • gryffindor8406 says:

    Adultery does go on. And it happens in the civilian world as well, its just not handeled the same as in the military. Some instances go un reported too. However, them getting discharged varies. My husband had a guy recently in his unit discharged for a sexual affair with another Marines wife. And there are also instances where they only get demoted, cut in pay and punishment. Those circumstances vary and so do the punishments. However, I will say….there are people who are loyal and live their lives with out drama. My husband and I are two of those people.

  • 7 of 9 says:

    its hard to say, i was really wild but I went to a unit that was mostly african american and they didn;t like me/a white female so I got no action but my 1SGT did and he got in trouble for it to and his orderly room gal a white female caused all kinds of crap for him for it, she had been assigned to get all the medical records to see who needed what shots so she also found out who he had been having sex with who had an STD so she could spread that as a rumor. Since I wasn;t gettng any action for like 5 years, I was not on the list. Needless to say I was having an affair with a married man at the time.
    Anyone who spent time in Korea for a year without their spouce…well a tour in korea is known as the party/drinking tour.
    Once I got saved, my party life stopped, even tho no one in my unit wanted ot believe I was saved, oh well. It was then that people in my unit wanted to do something with me, but it was too late.

  • mexi_fry_1 says:

    I dont know about the % but I do know that it goes on. Not just within the active duty sector though. Cheating spouses are everywhere.

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