Question by $ynthetics: Mismatched Tarot Deck&Guide/Jouney?
I’m.. Extremely new to Tarot I suppose.
I’ve found the deck and books lying around, but they don’t match.
The deck is The Tarot of the Cat people.
But the Books are of The Dragon and the Celtic Dragon.
Would it be bad luck to use the books as a journey guide with the deck that I have? :/
Best answer:
Answer by PaulCyp
It would be extremely bad luck to think you were going to have any information revealed to you by a stack of cardboard with pretty pictures on them.
What do you think? Answer below!
Most decks have the standard meanings to each card. Some books are written because let’s say you have a friend that is great at art. The friend can draw a deck of tarot cards using close symbols and colors of any standard deck but some writers like to add a twist or change to their artwork.
The answer is, yes you can use one book for another deck, but eventually you will learn a language of your own with the deck you relate to. Learning what the basics are how how the cards work together takes time & practice. you already have a good start, a deck, a book and an interest ; go for it!
Best wishes.
Blessings, Light & Love
Lol. Nah!
There is no luck involved. Tarot is nothing more than an exploration of your own mind. Go deep enough and you find out all kinds of things. I’ve used Ryder/Waite deck, Crowley Deck and Tree of Life deck. Once you have the basic archetypes there is no need for a guide. Jungian psychology is based on the Major Arcana of the tarot.