Question by <3FenderLuv<3: Need help finding the perfect stone! I’ve listed the metaphysical/magick properties I am looking for…?
I have been doing research for my ‘perfect stone’ for almost a year now and haven’t found it yet…I have been trying to find my perfect stone based on these metaphysical/magickal properties:
Psychic Abilities Enhancement
Communication (Spirits and Animals)
Protection from Evil/Dark Spirits
Love Attraction
Keeping Away Bad Thoughts and Dreams
Keeping away Anxiety and Depression
Good Health
Protection from 2012 (I hear it’s the end of the world date based on the Mayan Calendar)
and Protection of Spirit
Is there such a stone with all or most of these properties? Even if it were a list of 3-5 stones, it would be great!
Best answer:
Answer by Alexander
Last time I checked, there is no such created stone with these abilities. Man in his finite wisdom and knowledge has managed to plant a seed in the minds of other men to put faith in inanimate objects. I suggest you abandon your search and seek the wisdom of the Almighty.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I don’t think there’s a stone like that, but try getting your hands on some marijuana or shrooms.
Part of the process is doing your homework and see what stones call you.
If it is just a single stone you are looking for then I would go for:
It has almost all of the qualities you are seeking, It is also very beautiful.
There is a particular type of malachite that is intermingled with azurite, it has blue intermingled with the green of the malachite, and the two together almost fulfil everything you are looking for. Maybe it would be your perfect stone.
If you are going to be researching the metaphysical properties of malachite and azurite, then I would research their qualities separately.
But if you buy this stone you would buy it as one stone with the two elements combined within it.
Another combination of stones that also comes pretty close to what you are looking for would be:
Tigers eye
Lapis Lazuli
Smokey Quartz
I hope this is helpful and that you are able to find your perfect stone.