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Question by Jharell: Read em and weep?? (add any sugestions)?
children’s books the publishers rejected 🙂
1.The boy who died from eating all his vegetables dads new wife john
3.Fun four letter words to know and share
4.Lets run with scissors
5.The kids guide to hitchhiking
6. Curious George and the high voltage fence
7.Some kittens can fly
8. Mary was so bad her mum stopped loving her
9. The magic world inside the abandoned refrigerator
10. The little sissy who grassed his pals
11. The pop-up book of anatomy
12. Strangers have the best sweets
13. Your nightmares are real
14.where would you like to be buried
15. The man in the moon is actually the devil
16. Things rich kids have and you never will
17.Places where mum and dad hide cool things
18. Why cant mr fork and mrs socket be friends
19. Pop goes the weasel….and other great microwave games
20.You are different and that is bad.
21. things mommy and daddy like to do at night
22. everything we say is a lie
23. ur adopted and nobody will ever love u.
24. eating junk food is good for u.
25. why didn’t i have an abortion!!!???
26. the cabinet in the bathroom is full of white sweeties
27. the toothfairy likes to take your teeth from out of your mouth too! double money!
28. If you hold your baby brother/sister under water long enough, they’ll become mermaids
29. Barney gets angry at night.
30.What daddy really does to mummy at night.
31. What mummy does to the postman in the morning when daddy is at work.
32. Your willy’s never going to change.
26. Some great pranks to play on mum and dad including: Toaster knife, and wet kitty in the microwave
31. I’m rich and you’re not. Buy me anyway
32. God watches you in the shower
33. What your teacher really expects from you
34. How to flip McD burgers like a pro
35. 101 things not to shout at your parents
36. why doesn’t being descretely racist forfill my racist needs?
37. 666 different satanic rituals
38. 150 sex techniques – now in pop up
39. SEX – now in touchy-feely edition
40. brocolli isn’t a weapon- but god knows how much damage u cud do with a very sharp carrot
41. Whatever you want to be when you grow up, you really wont become
42. Endless reasons why life is s**t!!!!!
41. why not to vote labour!!!!

Add some of more and i don’t care about how mature they are (the funnier the better!!!!!!)

Best answer:

Answer by Brainz
OMG! That is so abhorrently Brilliant!!!.

What do you think? Answer below!

4 Responses to Q&A: Read em and weep?? (add any sugestions)?

  • froglady says:

    You’re bad and I love it- Thought of a few:
    That is a Monster under your bed
    Santa is that fat dude down the street
    Now I lay me down- screw sleeping
    Snow White was a slut

  • Troll =P says:

    42. Different wrist cutting techniques
    43. How to seduce your sibling: now with Same gender tips as well!
    44. Reasons to abuse your wife.
    45. Simple instructions on how to stab someone!
    46. PORN: Parties On Right at Night
    47. Lap dancing. The best exercise.
    48. Smokey the bear is a crack addict.
    49. Barbie is GI Joes baby mama
    50. How many licks it takes to get to the center of a boy’s cock.
    51. Why the president makes awesome target practice.(WARNING: Use book at own risk. You WILL die afterwards)

    All I got… Maybe I’ll add some later.

  • Sphinx That Thinx says:

    42- lets learn our X Y Z.
    43- swine flu or bird flu, which to choose kids?
    44- the teacher with a hammer and scaffold
    45- snow white and the 295.687.7325 dwarfs
    46- jack and the beer stock
    47- grimmer fairy tales
    48- fairy tales to read aloud to deaf kids
    49- the owl and the pusssy.
    50- the king and I…. in bed
    52- fallus in wonderland
    53- the goose that slay the golden egg.
    54-vthe princess and the pee.
    55- beauty and the breast.
    56-little red riding nude.
    57- the 3 little pigs die of swine flu
    58- hey didle dildo
    59- old macdonald had a chain of fast foods.
    60- animal fart.
    61- the ugly dickling
    62- my first book of horror
    63- the boy with scrambled eggs.
    64- the bloody bunny.
    65- the “LETS” moral series: Book I:”Lets stop smoking !!”

  • TheMadProfessor says:

    Rainy Day Games – Let’s find Daddy’s porn!
    How Things Work – Will Mommy’s car run without brake fluid?
    Secrets of Nature – Can your kitty and hamster be friends?
    What Does This Do? – A world of discovery using Daddy’s power tools.

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