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Question by Adam H: Right-wing evangelicals: What exactly do you want gay people to do?
This “Hell” you speak of sounds like an interesting place, but since none of you can produce a map to show me the way, I can’t go (I suppose I could commit suicide but, *gasp*, that’s also a sin to you guys!) And I’d be happy to “choose” heterosexuality just as soon as you guys can create the magical spell to produce an emotional and sexual interest in women, which, believe it or not, gay men don’t have.

So with those two options off the table – going to Hell and “choosing” heterosexuality – precisely what is it that you evangelical Republicans want us to do? Please, by all means, enlighten us. Liberals, if you have been informed of their desires, feel free to answer as well!
Sorry to hear that “Mad as Hell”…maybe she wasn’t praying hard enough!
Cons 6: Being quiet won’t make me straight. Sorry! And liberals and gays aren’t the folks who have made abortion and gay marriage key political issues.

Brittany C: You’ve obviously been brainwashed by the fundies who believe in “reparative therapy”, which has been thoroughly repudiated by every qualified, peer-reviewed scientific study done on the matter. I could really care less about your anecdotal “proof” that someone is no longer gay. I cannot magically choose to be emotionally and sexually attracted to women – and gay people who say otherwise are simply lying about that key part of their personality.
ka3udr: In jail 3 times? Yes, you are CLEARLY a role model to spread moral enlightenment on the rest of us! God is good!
Also, I never even mentioned marriage. Why do right-wingers always assume that discussions about LGBT equality have to hinge on the marriage issue?

Best answer:

Answer by Curtis
Easy,,,,Just call gay marriage a “Civil Union”, and let the religious keep marriage.

The marriage license would be a Civil Union license, just the legal term would be Civil Union, and gays could say there are married, or whatever they want.

Gay couples have the same rights as a married couple, and the religious right is not offended by gays tearing down their religious values.

It is called compromise, but the radical left will not tolerate compromise, they are all about tearing down the religious values, and forcing their idealism on everyone.

Just as liberals do not want religion forced on them, but those same liberals want to force atheism on everyone else.

This whole issue is to offend the many, to facilitate the few.

Add your own answer in the comments!

20 Responses to Q&A: Right-wing evangelicals: What exactly do you want gay people to do?

  • Mad As Hell says:

    I had Sarah Palin “pray away the gay” for me…………..but it didn’t work

  • How it is (Yapoo censored) says:

    They think it is a choice because they have not done their part in researching the topic. Don’t worry about what anyone wants. There are few people absolutely living the gospel so they have their own issues to take care of and that is what they should be doing.

  • AgriCult says:

    REPENT! Or be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.

  • don_vvvvito says:

    don’t blame the preachers.they didn’t write the book.they just teach it and TRY to live by it.

  • Joshua H says:

    They’re afraid that if gay people marry they’ll have gay children together (don’t forget, these people didn’t have sex education).

  • Dizz says:

    They want you to pretend that you’re something you’re not so they won’t feel uncomfortable.

  • Duchess X says:

    Hmm..great question. Lets email Craig, Foley, Haggert, Sen Ghramm and ask their opinion……..

  • Cons 6 Obama 0 says:

    I for one want your small inconsequential vocal minority to just shut up for once ! No one cares if your gay no ones saying you cant be gay ! So just shut the heck up live your life like everyone else does and stop demanding that you be treated any differently than anyone else!

  • NorCal Fluke says:

    Whenever somebody tells me homosexuality is a choice,
    I ask them, could you choose to be gay?
    I couldn’t. Maybe you are gay.

  • Drewdown says:

    marriage isn’t a right…it’s a ritual between men & women.

    Look at the definition in the dictionary…it’s all there.

    mar?riage? ?/?mær?d?/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mar-ij] Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun 1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
    2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.
    3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.

    Now are you going to start calling me a bigot?

    big?ot? ?/?b?g?t/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [big-uht] Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

    or are you the bigot?

    Don’t forget to alienate blacks & mexicans, along with the christian right, since they voted yes on Prop 8 too in larger numbers than whites…you should be an equal opportunity bigot.

  • Paula says:

    Gay people should do what they always did in the past – stay out of the “marriage” arena unless they want to marry as a non-same sex couple.

  • Austin says:

    They want gay people to be institutionalized with electroshock therapy like in the 50’s.

  • DINO says:

    Gays have been around Sense man was first walking with cock and balls

  • Glock Schnitz says:

    What you fail to understand is that there are many more people than “right-wing Evangelicals” who do not condone gay marriage. Quit trying to force feed your garbage to the people who do not want it. If you think this kind of rant helps your cause, you are sadly mistaken.

  • Brittany C says:

    I am a right wing evangelical and I see homosexuality the same as any other sin. I do NOT think one will go to hell just because of their homosexual lifestyle. As long as a person chooses to love the Lord and believe Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins and rose again then they will go to heaven. I do think that being gay is a choice. Just as is choosing to love my fiance. Love is a choice. I see a woman and I think she is beautiful, but choose not to lust after her and jump on her. Actions result from your choices. There is counseling to help you sort out your feelings. In fact there is a youth pastor at my church who WAS gay, then he started going to church and realized it is wrong. He went through counseling and is now happily married to a woman and they have 2 kids. Homosexual thoughts will be his struggle for the rest of his life, but he chose to love a woman.

    There are churches that accept your lifestyle. My uncle is gay, been with his partner for 35 years. They are madly in love, go to an episcopal church, and I will see them both in heaven. Oh yes, might I add that they both voted AGAINST same sex marriage. There are many other denominations of churches that accept that as a lifestyle.

    EDIT: Adam, how dare you go against it if you haven’t ever tried?

  • lady pooh says:

    It is interesting that agian “right wing” actually means “christians…” and sadly – if a Christian believes that homosexuality is indeed wrong the way they usually come at it is completely non-biblical…..

    it is sad that this a reoccuring theme with many christians….have a strong stance that you may be able to throw one biblical verse at — and then have no actual conversation with anyone that you are accusing of going to hell—and basically say get out instead of being concerned about the souls of others….

    if you truely believe homosexuality is wrong then figure out how you can discuss this with people so that you can speak to others the way Jesus did when he was concerned about thier souls…..

  • truthseeker says:

    Certain holes are made for certain things….
    Aids is the result of putting the wrong things in the wrong places.
    Punishment will happen in God’s time not ours.

  • ka3udr says:

    We want homosexuals to repent from their sin as it is bringing the wrath of GOD against our once great nation. When Paul spoke of a thorn in his side, he was referring to the lust that all mankind have for something not of GOD. I myself lusted after every good looking woman that I saw. I had a bad temper and was in jail 3 times for assault and battery. At age 55 I died and went to Hell. I don’t have a map, but I felt myself falling down, straight down. Getting back to homosexuals, the desire for members of the same sex is their thorn in their side. I have seen GOD deliver people from this desire and they go on to live normal lives. So, if people can change, it must not be that they are born that way and that there is nothing that they can do about it. We have free will, you can choose to change or go to Hell, your choice.

  • Cheyenne Nicole says:

    They expect you to remain abstinent.

    But maybe if their pastors weren’t so busy doing meth with male prostitutes, perhaps they’d be able to produce a better answer.

  • Noah H says:

    Oddly, there isn’t a single mention of homosexuality in the New Testament. In the Old, or ‘original’ testament the ‘sin’ is lumped in with all kinds of other sins, but even these were ‘sins’ that applied only to the israelites….not to non-Jews. As far as ‘gay’ marriage is concerned, some states have established ‘civil unions’…..a sort of bogus end run around the issue. If a straight couple went to the marriage license office and asked for a ‘civil union’ license and were turned down you can bet there would be one hell of a lawsuit….’ya know….equality under the law and all that secular stuff that the Jesus freaks don’t seem to understand. Be gay, but also be cool about it…time is on the side of freedom and liberty and justice for all. No kiddin’!

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