Question by MakeSomeNoise: Sexual Tension in the Magic School Bus?
When I was little, I was a Magic School Bus fan. Now, years later, my friend and I collectively had a major epiphany concerning DA and Carlos’s relationship. There is reason to believe that they have significant sexual tension based on their teasing. They are borderline overtly flirtatious and seem to only harbor such feelings for each other. Any thoughts?
Best answer:
Answer by cHiLLz
i guess thats an interesting way of looking at it! lol
What do you think? Answer below!
I need to go and watch that now, lol.
you have wayy too much time on your hands to think about cartoon characters and their “sexual tension”
I think you need to find somewhere else to spend your energy. This is a show for young children, geared toward young children, who do not know, nor care about sexual tension.