Question by any_one: Twilight: sex after marriage undertones?
It might just be me but after reading the Twilight series, I want to wait until after marriage to have sex so it will be that much more magical like when Bella and Edward actually have sex on their honeymoon. I am 17 by the way and I never believed in abstinence but now I do, all because of Twilight.
Best answer:
Answer by haalbecyd…
way to go
me 2, xcept i believe in sex after marriage because that’s what God wants
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waiting for sex until marriage is overrated… rather its more important that you wait for the right person, someone that you love and loves you back.
The novel sound like a fantasy. The fact is that being abstinent until marriage does not improve your sexual performance, but practice makes perfect. Premarital sex isn’t a sin in the Bible. Just check the site below to learn more about that.
Twilight is a fantasy book, and it’s important to know that the author is a mormon, and speaking from a religious standpoint. There’s no proof what so even that any 1st time before marriage (when you know your ready and you love the person) is any less magical than after marriage.