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Question by Sam: Want to read a tarot spread for me?
It was a three card spread that looked really nice. Two of cups, next to the King of Pentacles and the best was yet to come, the World card to the other side of him.

What do you think it means? I had an idea, but it always helps to hear what others have to say. So…

P.S Have a heart! If you don’t like new age religion, and only yours, try another question. Come in with an open mind, or at least spare us the tongue-lashing.

Best answer:

Answer by Vic
To me it depents on weather the cards were ride side up or reversed. Anyway we will start with the 2 of cups. By its image, the Two of Cups almost always suggests a relationship between two people. Indeed, this is the primary meaning of the card and the one that appears most often in readings. But the love described by this card is not always love for another person. Before we can truly love another we must learn to love ourselves, to love and accept all of the different (and often conflicting) facets of the gemstone that makes up our personality. Like the Temperance card, this is a card of harmonious union, not just of two people, but of two parts of the same person.
Now the King of Pentacles: The King of Pentacles is a lot like King Midas – everything he touches turns to gold. He is a pillar of financial stability, with wealth and experience to share with everybody. This is the logical conclusion of all the positive ideals of the Pentacles suit: through diligence, responsibility and attention to detail we can and will become like the King of Pentacles. He is always rich materially if not spiritually, and he encourages you to live your life like he would. When this card appears he can either represent a person in your life, or a part of yourself trying to be expressed.
The World card: After every obstacle has been faced and surmounted, after every path has been travelled and charted, there remains only the last step to the next level of existence – the World, the final gateway. After the union of the conscious and unconscious, the mind and the body, in Judgement, all that can remain is union with the Divine in whatever form it appears to you. This journey is over and the next is only beginning. The cycle is complete as last, with the vindication of the traveler and the immortality he has gained through development of the self. It would seem that the Fool’s Journey may not have been so foolish after all. Hope that helps. Namaste, My friend. and good luck on your journey.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

One Response to Q&A: Want to read a tarot spread for me?

  • Helen says:

    I’m not sure what your 3 positions are (past, present, future?). Set your intention for this beforehand (I write it down on a piece of paper next to the spread).

    2 of cups: romantic attraction
    KP: faithful, dependable, stable person or character trait (a good husband and provider, but may not be terribly romantic or intellectual, you can’t have your cake and eat it!)
    World: completion, fulfilment, sometimes travel

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