Question by Chromacat: What determines and maintains the forces that keep atom particles behaving in specific ways?
Without non-answers such as “this force controls this force, ad infinitum” or the metaphysical “Theory of Everything”, can someone answer this question scientifically and conclusively, without referring to a “creator”?
Lola, my question is a scientific one, relating to the forces which control physical particles. I only disallow metaphysical answers because metaphysics is a field of unprovable pseudoscience based on conjecture. So, I take your answer to mean that you believe science cannot explain how or why anything exists.
Best answer:
Answer by jack
Chuck Norris
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
You are asking a metaphysical question, and then admonish against metaphysical answers. Feel free to ask this in philosophy class, but as far as science is concerned, we don’t venture beyond correctly predicting the outcomes of future observations.