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Question by Mickey Mouse Spears: What is so sacred about sex that people find it important to “save themselves” for the “right one?”

Best answer:

Answer by andybosik
The Bible says that when you do this,
the two shall become one flesh.
Nowadays we understand how very true this is
in that whatever diseases the other person has,
you will now both have. This is on the physical.
Also on the spiritual,
you become one with that person.

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15 Responses to Q&A: What is so sacred about sex that people find it important to “save themselves” for the “right one?”

  • Beth T says:

    I don’t see anything so sacred about sex. I’ve always thought that saving yourself for the right one is stupid. It is setting yourself up for a big letdown. Sex isn’t nothing, but it isn’t everything either. Virginity and sex both are overrated.

  • Scott B says:

    Sex is the ultimate intimate act. Sex also has a tremendous emotional affect. Additionally, you can only lose your virginity once. Finally, for those that follow the Bible, saving yourself until after marriage is a requirement. All of these together make it important to wait for the right one.

  • tannedknight45 says:

    It really depends on the person. Here is my point of view. Sex is the most physical and intimate encounter you can have with someone else. Once you have sex with someone, things change forever. That relationship can grow even stronger or become even more challenged. Now you are more emotionally and mentally tied to that person because you made a physical investment to them (not to mention the risk of pregnancy and STDs). Once you have sex for the first time, it’s a life changing experience because you put yourself in an extremely venerable yet exciting situation. That’s why to some it’s important to make sure they have this experience with the right person. That being said I know people who have sex for the first time to get it over with.

  • Sarra . says:

    I don’t see the huge deal either. I know some people are religious and everything, but idk. I don’t think sex is a big deal at all. It’s important, but it’s not everything. I think that if you’re in love with someone, and they are a virgin, but you’re not, they shouldn’t look down on you for that. It’s wrong. A lot of people that are obsessed with virginity are so judge mental. Not all of them, but a lot of them. If a person can deal with no sexc before marriage, good for them, but don’t push it on me. I hate when people do that.

  • Roundhead says:

    Yahoo Answerers please take of your clothes if you agree…

  • John B says:

    I’m really not interested in a virgin. I prefer a woman who can enjoy the experience because they are experienced. Of course I don’t want a tramp either, unless I’m really drunk.: )

  • Tublet Want to Cuddle ® says:

    I’ve never understood “giving” yourself to someone else. Any experiences I’ve had have been meaningful to ME. I live for myself…I’m not here to become and offer a “pure” gift to anyone.

  • Cindy Loo Who from Whoville says:

    I guess it is a little late for me to answer this question …..
    Does that mean I am going to roast in hell for losing my virginity before marriage …?

    EDIT: I agree w. Tublet. If I am in love with someone and I feel comfortable being intimate with them, then who cares what anyone else thinks ….?
    As long as two people love and care about each other, it should not matter what anyone else thinks, and it is no one else’s business what they do or do not do! 🙂

  • La Bella Via says:

    Because I think sharing your body with someone is a BIG deal.
    And if I happen to get pregnant……My relationship and guy would surely be stable and stuff.

  • ssshhhh I'm the freaky one says:

    more power to em.

    i couldn’t do it.

    but a part of me wishes i had.

    would have saved a damn lot of heartache.

  • * Queen loathes cotton candy* says:

    #1.for me it was part of my personal beleifs.
    #2.I was not willing to share myself with someone that would just use me and throw me to the curb.
    #3.AIDS and STD’s run rampid nowadays.
    #4. for women sex involves emotion and heart, and I didn’t want to get mine broken.

  • WooleyBooley again says:

    Beats me. I never did that.

  • Peepin it real says:

    That depends on what you believe in…but I suppose it’s kinda like when they do a bridge dedication and the first one that crosses that bridge is special…. yah know?? You dont really want a bad driver to try to cross it and damage it horrible because they have NO clue where they’re even going

  • Tina says:

    My belief, is that sex if you are too young (immature) for the emotional stress rather than the sacredness of the act is more difficult to deal with than the notion that sex is sacred and the belief that you will go to hell or have committed a great sin. But for some who are truly religious it is going to be seen as a sacred act and for those people their beliefs should be respected.

    Waiting for the right one or saving yourself I think is purposefully used to deter people from engaging in pre-marital sex so that they don’t get pregnant or get someone else pregnant. Not a bad idea, however there is a better tactic of educating people about sex and the use of contraceptives in most schools now anyway.

    Having said all that, it is not the sex but the outcome of the relationship with a partner that determines whether one fits the title of the “right one”. For some of those people who waited to have sex when they got married, (and then maybe had kids together or not) well I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them still get divorced. Nothing about relationships is easy, ultimately we hope our good sense is part of the equation of determining the right one…..and you can look at it this way if you want to have all the facts before — you do your research. No offence intended please to anyone.

  • lazybird2006 says:

    Come on, dear boy, sex with the right person is wonderful, people who have ‘one night stands’ regret them.

    I have only slept with one person, for that I’m grateful, I don’t have to worry if I catch any nasty diseases,

    ‘Saving yourself’ for the right person is the correct thing to do, with all the diseases cause by having sex with different partners, who wouldn’t want to save themselves.

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