Question by Ira G: Whats a shaman journey like?
A friend of mine is now a shaman practitioner and after much talking and searching I have developed a curiosity for a pwer animal. SO roughly in order to do this I will require special types of humming Native American music that can send me into a “Trance” or in science terms utilize some form of theta waves or something. Power animals are like spiritual Guardians that are either part of you, were part of you or seek to help you and further your goals. My friend met a bear and another time a deer and I heard as you practice and meet all 6 from your “lower world” you can move towards your middle and upper worlds for other things. I heard back in old times Native Americans could use this shaman practice for a myriad of surprising things. I have the initial start-up just missing the music. Imagine a natural spot you have physically visited and then imagine a hole opeing on the floor and hop in then from there its different for each. I would just like some other peoples input.
Ok?… Whats a “Vision quest” like? It may vary but if one does not mind then what was THEIR experience?
Still nothing… well then what brought spiritual peace to the people of this land “Years” ago?
This should be good…
Best answer:
Answer by Rob
Well, journeys vary.
That effect people differently. But what people constantly aim for and most often achieve in first attempts and continuous ones is speaking with your spirit animal.
Add your own answer in the comments!
it begins with 4 days in the mountains
no food or water,or shelter
Native American medicine people DO NOT like to be called shamans
Shamans come from Siberia-specifically the Evenk people-reindeer herders, and Sapmi(Lappland)
and this is a vision quest not a Shaman journey
That would be difficult since there are no such things as Native American shamans. I wouldn’t believe anything anyone claiming to be American Indian shamans , talking about tarot cards and Wiccan/pagan things, or talking about crystals and New Age things. I’ve got nothing against shamanism, paganism, or the New Age, but a cow is not a horse: none of these things are traditionally Native American. Shamanism is a Russian mystic tradition, Wicca is a religion based in pre-Christian European traditions, Tarot readings are an Indo-European divination method, and the New Age is a syncretic belief system invented, as its name suggests, in the modern era. None of them have anything to do with authentic Indian traditions, and anyone who thinks they do is likely to be wrong about anything else he claims about Native American religions as well. Wiccans and New Agers don’t have any more knowledge about actual American Indian beliefs than you do.
You new-ager wanna-be!! LOL
Seriously? Your gonna post this question with all the “REAL NATIVES” on here….oh your in for one mean tongue lashing. This question is amazingly stereotypical and based solely on the imagination of a wanna-be Native. You must be James Ray’s best friend, ya’ll think making stupid sh!t up is cool, well its wanna-bes like you that make real Natives like us, laugh our cute Native butts off….
OMG! I’m speechless…..your nuts…..I ain’t even going there…..*tsk tsk*
If your friend is a “shaman practitioner”, why don’t you ask HIM about his journey? Obviously he is a non-Native just like yourself and he would be the best one to tell you about the bullshit he has interested you in and encouraged you to spread around. I can guarantee that this crap you are talking about is NOT part of Native culture. Actually, it sounds like something someone came up with while on acid. We don’t even have shamans!!!!
Best wishes in moving through your “worlds”. Do yourself a favor and quit saying that this crap has to do with Native Americans, because it does not. To think it does just makes you look like a completely ignorant ass. I could care less what sort of new age garbage you choose to participate in, but don’t put us Native Americans in the same boat as someone like yourself. We know our ways and these are not them. We already have a connection to the world and don’t need to hum ourselves into trances and meet animals to feel that connection. Don’t disgrace our culture because you are spiritually lost.
why can’t non natives just leave us alone? ffs.
what brought us spiritual peace years ago? not having greedy neighbors who thought they had a “right” to anything they wanted.