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Question by iwant4wifes: Where did the Muslims derive their ideas of Allah’s nature and attributes?
Historians, linguists, and archeologists have dug into this question for over a century. Various archeological digs in Arabia and throughout the Middle East have uncovered the answer: Islam is a modern version of the ancient fertility religion of the moon god. Once this is grasped, the rise and history of Islam becomes clear.

The Arab conquests were made possible because the central powers in the Middle East had exhausted themselves in wars against each other. They were not able to fight off wave after wave of Arab armies which subdued entire nations with merciless slaughter, rape and plunder. The Arabs destroyed some of the wonders of the ancient world such as the world famous library in Alexandria, Egypt, They destroyed many ancient churches and synagogues. Anthropologists have recorded how the Arabs destroyed the cultural heritage of any nation which fell under their sword.

Who were these Arabs? They obviously were not Christians because they destroyed churches and murdered priests wherever they went. Obviously, they were not Jews because they persecuted Jews without pity. This is seen today in their hatred of Israel and the many wars and acts of terrorism waged against Jews throughout the world.

If the Arab hordes which swept over the ancient world were not Christians or Jews, then what were they? They were pagans who worshipped a pagan god called Allah and followed pagan rites which were practiced in Arabia long before the religion of Islam evolved.

Best answer:

Answer by coronakrazy22
The pagan Arabs believed in a Supreme God, Allah. Al means the and Ilah means Dog. So it then becomes a proper noun and becomes The God. Hindus also believe there is one god, yet they worship statues. Most of the Arab world before the Quran was revealed was pagans. There is no such things as a moon God called Allah. Christian arabs call God Allah. So think about it!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to Q&A: Where did the Muslims derive their ideas of Allah’s nature and attributes?

  • bkt says:

    It really isn’t necessary to judge muslims so harshly. Every individual is different, special and unique, and should be respected.

    Do you really have knowledge of the muslim history ? No.

    Most of the statements you have made are from pure assumptions.

    You can find much truth about islam and muslim beliefs by going to

    Check out this website please. All people around the world should check out this website.

    It is not honorable to judge a person, a nation, an atheist, a race or a religion.

  • Poki Poki says:

    that’s a load of crap, your information are so wrong i don’t even know where to begin.

    the pagans Arabs used to worship ( Hubal, Al lati , al Uzzah ) and the archaeologists found the idol of Hubal not Allah.
    Allah is the creator not an idol. i can prove to you that Jesus himself prayed to Allah by the name of Allah. in the Arabic bible God is Allah, in the Jewish Torah God is Allah.

    now, when you try to talk about history at least say the truth and don’t twist history other wise you are committing an unforgivable CRIME!!!!
    the Arabs NEVER slaughtered civilians, never Raped and never pillaged any nation. the ones who did that were your fellow christian forefathers in their Crusades. History proves it and proves you wrong.
    also the Library of Alexandria was destroyed by the Caesar’s conquest 48 BC.

    so get your facts straight next time.

  • Roshni says:

    from where are u quoting this crap??? either u have changed history yourself r you are following some anti-islamic sitewhich teling u all fake stories..get your ideas correct… Poki is right .no such moon god ever existed in out history n yes i know this much history that liberary in Alexandria was not destroyed by arabs…..

    we got our idea about Allah from Quran and Sunnah….we never went to such craps wht u r telling…ahh just messing up with the u r confused !!

    Edit…. can u give me the source???

  • Cleopatra(Modern one) says:

    the thing you wasted time to write down is CRAP!
    Why don’t you ask a Muslim instead of getting it from an anti-Muslim source?
    We don’t worship a pagan god and we get info from the Holy Quran.
    I just changed something on Wikipedia!Hahahah

  • baddrose268 says:

    Muslims do not worship the dang moon! Honestly grow up!

  • AshiMashi says:

    ok, this is how it happened….
    young mohammed used to travel with his uncle, in his trips
    a christian priest was trying to convert him to christianity and
    told him about judaism and christianity … Mohammed got the
    idea, and thought “hmmm… maybe I can start my own religion
    and fool people” and that’s what he did… then there was this
    guy called Salman the persian, who was a zorosterian from
    Persia to gave him lots of ideas about zorostrianism which he
    then used in islam.

    read this link and you will get a good idea on how a nice and loving “prophet” he was:

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