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Question by ‘llysa: Where should I open the best metaphysical store ever?
What town, city, or rural shack do you feel is the greatest place to establish an experentially soul-nourishing business?
I’m not asking whether one believes in the merchandise sold in a metaphysical store. I’m asking where does one think such a store would be well-located.

Large cities are good, but I’m also looking for “small towns” too… any suggestions? 😉
If I find Atlantis, I sure ain’t telling anyone, ’cause I’m taking all the credit if I have to do all the work. 😉

Yes, I’ve seen arrogance, I agree. And thanks for the suggestions on location, lol. 😉

Hi Crave:
I will be selling lots of different things, but not just “things”… I will be selling what I call “experential substance”. All products are hand-made, and there will be many other “activities” (meditation rooms for example) that can be experienced. And thanks for the kind words and suggestions… 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by gjmb1960

What do you think? Answer below!

12 Responses to Q&A: Where should I open the best metaphysical store ever?

  • scapegoat says:

    Atlantis would be the place to end all places for a metaphysical store, see if you can find it?

  • St_Peter_YDoncha says:

    LA. They will buy any kind of trendy BS you can force on them…

  • gildamcgee says:

    San Francisco.

  • Benvenuto says:

    New York or SF. They’ll take in everything.

  • knight of the old code says:

    i would try belfast now the peace is here.

  • kitchenheatindex says:

    Iran needs you.

  • vinslave says:

    California, Houston, maybe Austin, Seattle/Tacoma area, big cities in FL, are all the culturally diverse places. The thing is location, location, location and using good common sense… I’ve watched a shop open, the owner was arrogant, wouldn’t listen to people trying to tell her she had to have more variety, she didn’t listen and wound up closed around a year later, if that. So carry things that appeal to a wide variety of visitors, like Buddhists, Shamans, Hindus, Taoism, Wicca, clothes, ritual items, runes, tarot, herbs, gems/stones, music, etc. and you’ll have a better shot at success.


  • James W says:

    new york

  • F C says:

    How about Seoul?

  • SHEREGON says:

    in hell

  • gwhiz1052 says:

    I think the world has enough new age ,alternative ,occult stuff.

  • CRAVE says:

    I think its a great idea,and i hope you consider selling items for different Pagan paths as well.Watch putting it in rural areas because most i know of closed due to intolerance and not lack of business.The city is your best shot or maybe a large town.Here in Lancaster, Ohio we had three.But two lost the battle with christians who pressured their Landlords.I hope yours has better luck,and grows well.Blessings!!!!!!

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