Question by metaphysical_reason: Who is intrigued with the prospect of doing an (out of body ritual) to (exchange bodies) with another spirit?
Who is intrigued about the prospect of doing an (out of body) ritual to achive an (exchange of physical vehicles, or bodies)?
It is strongly suggested that you are both spiritually, and metaphysically conscious. Experience with (out of body) states of awareness (astral projection), witchcraft, or sorcery is recommended.
Sorry, no one under age 25.
About me.. My physical vehicle is age 27, and is fairly handsome. I am single with no children, thusly I have no major attachments in case of a worst case scenario. I am currently a professor of the English language at a University outside of the USA. My devotion to the expansion of spiritual, and or metaphysical consciousness is paramount.
Are there any mature women interested in what I have proposed?
This ritual is for the very serious minded only. A strong will power takes one quite far indeed. For those who may be genuinly interested, I will gladly explain the process in detail.
email me
Best answer:
Answer by Sami V
What a myth!
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