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Question by I’M NOT ON A DIET!!!: Why do Christians put up Christmas trees if it’s a Pagan ritual?
the origins of celebrating Christmas (not neciassarily Jesus) dare back to Pagan religion. it’s a Pagan ritual to put up a tree and decorate it around this time of the year…the same time a pagan god named merithas (i don’t think i spelled it right) was born.
anyhow, why do Christians put up Christmas trees? maybe no knowledge of pagan rituals, i suppose??
*”date”* not “dare”

Best answer:

Answer by ashmarie321
It’s pretty.

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15 Responses to Q&A: Why do Christians put up Christmas trees if it’s a Pagan ritual?

  • kjv_gods_word says:

    The Christmas tree is specifically forbidden in Jeremiah 10:1-5.

    But unfortunately most Christians are not aware of this, or they refuse to believe it.

    -Rev. Jim Cunningham
    King James Bible Ministries

  • Lilith says:

    They don’t realize the pagan connotations and the fact was that the catholic church absorbed alot of pagan tradition to make conversion easier (from pagan to christian). Personally, I love alot of the pagan traditions like the yule log, mistletoe and wassail. =]

  • shawn m says:

    It is just like calling passover,easter. Easter was a pagan fertility rite in which they rolled eggs. It is sad to see the state of churchs today. So little truth left in them.

  • libra7891 says:

    A lot of Christians will tell you because its still a way for them to celebrate Jesus. But I think many do it just out of tradition. The Bible says that you can do pagan rituals, however it will neither help nor hinder you.

    But interestingly enough, Jesus Christ could also be considered a pagan God. Jesus was included in the late Roman pantheon. He was no more special than Zoraster or Sol Invictus. And thus, really Christians carry on the early pagan origins of their religion itself.

  • The Woof is strong in this one. says:

    It’s just a tradition, most know by now that Christmas is a winter solstice knockoff.

  • doc_wierdio says:

    the christians of the past took the ritual from the pagans for them to think that there beliefs were being adhered to so they would become christians.

  • answer man says:

    Why do Americans have front lawns when that is a British thing?
    Why do we eat pasta when that is italian?
    Why do we grow corn when that was a native american thing?
    Why grow potatoes when that is a european and south american thing?
    Why do anything when it might have originated elsewhere?
    Why ask silly things?

  • tater says:

    I am a Christian and I do not put up a tree, not because of any pagan ritual but because I have never been able to comprehend what a decorated tree has to do with the birth of Christ. I don’t object to others doing it but for me personally it has no significance whatsoever.

  • tiea says:

    I put up a tree because it’s pretty. God made the trees and I decorate them. Yes it is a pagan ritual…I also know that Christs birth was intentionally placed during winter solstice in order to Christianize pagans. Does it matter however? Let Christmas be a joyous holiday for everyone, no matter how you celebrate it. I will celebrate Jesus, and others can celebrate how they want.

  • Alice Cullen says:

    idk. the bible said not to be like the pegans, so i don’t think christians should put up trees, i don’t know why some christians do.

  • icantthinkofanotherdumbassnick says:

    As far as I know….way back when…Christians wanted more people to convert to Christianity. Those that were Pagans celebrated winter solace around the 21st or so….one of the ways Christians converted these people was by creating a time of celebration at the same time. (Truthfully, no one can say for certain that Jesus was born on Dec. 25…I guess you can say the church kinda just picked that date). So, in order to convert these people…they allowed for some of their traditions to pass over into Christianity. I hope that is useful and clear. Good luck.

  • macadam says:

    There are many pagan traditions that the Christians have copied. Santa, feasting, holly, mistletoe, gift giving and singing. I guess the christians knew a good thing when they saw it.

    As a pagan, I don’t mind sharing. I love the fact that I can honor the goddess every time I see someones christmas tree or lights. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    The odd thing is that Christians will say they are not worshiping the pagan Gods/Goddesses, but Pagans believe that it is what you do, not what you believe that counts. Our Gods and Goddesses are honored by the Christians practicing pagan traditions, even if the Christians don’t know it.

  • DougLawrence says:

    Christianity never intended to destroy paganism and all things pagan but to enlighten and transform pagan mankind’s search for God into the theology of truth and the universal liturgy of the New Covenant people of God, taking the pagan world out of the darkness of their search for God and into the light of Jesus Christ.

    Christianity adopted the Greek language as the vehicle by which to spread the Gospel of salvation.

    The old ideas of Greek philosophy gasped with an infused breath of new life in Christian oriented theology, and the concept of freedom and the order of law became an expression of the true Christian freedom, according to the doctrine of the New Covenant Church, freedom in living the Law of Love—love of God and love of neighbor through the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

    He who is the eternal One, the Divine Reason/Logos the ancient Greeks for centuries sought in vain, He has been found—for Greek and Jew alike—the resurrected Jesus Christ, our universal Savior and Redeemer.

    Source: Agape Bible Study

  • booboo lou says:

    that is what i wonder but christmas has turned into a gift holiday and nothing about religion. most may says its about religion but they don’t think about god while they are opening gifts or decorating and or even eating the food that they were able to make that day because of God.
    They add things to the religion that they say is correct

  • says:

    Christianity now for the 1st time in history [in my head only] to the idea that Constantine in the 3rd century adopted and mixed pagan ritual with christianity to marginalize the jews and the feasts of Israel out of the christian faith and that carried on past Martin Luther’s time !!!
    If you read Luher’s writings you will discover his unbridled antisemitism which is a carry over from Constantine !!! There were many jews who believed in Jesus as Messiah that were marginalized and killed those 300 years plus jews in the following centuries right up until our time !!!

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