by -kÇ-
Question by im me:P: Why is 14 to young to have sex?
I mean I just dont get it, what if there is protection, and its with some one you love, i mean truly love, and you think could last a long time, why is it to young? People dont get pregnant everytime you have sex. And isnt it suppose to be something good and magical? If theres protection, and love, does age matter that much? is there something im missing?
Best answer:
Answer by Amanda T
Because sex can have some VERY serious results. Results that ADULTS should handle. 14 is too young to know what you want and what youre doing. You cant even drive a car! You think youre old enough to risk getting pregnant or getting an STD?
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
u can get pregnet and
u can die from giving birth at a young age
so becareful