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Question by treehuggr: Wiccan please – Tarot cards?
My Celtic Dragon cards have been sitting in a drawer for a very long time. I have never used them, but I have gone through and looked at them several times over the years. When I did finally decide to use them for a reading, I discovered that one is missing – the Seven of Swords. Is there some significance to this particular card missing, or is it just what it seems – a missing card?

Best answer:

Answer by Nandina
Since the Seven of Swords is the “Thief” card, I think it could be symbolic.

Or just ironic. =)

Do some reading about the meaning of the card, and see if there is any application to your life at the moment.

What do you think? Answer below!

6 Responses to Q&A: Wiccan please – Tarot cards?

  • Revenge! says:

    Nndina had a good answer. Were you positive it was there last time you looked at them. It would be really odd and unlikely if someone in your household disided to snatch it.

    Yes there must be something symbolic about that

  • nile says:

    what ever you do dont let another human touch your cards if you want an even chance on getting a good reading from them and never try reading somebody elses future with out a fresh pack

  • John S says:

    The “meaning” or interpretation of each card can differ at each reading, so there is no significance to the denomination of the missing card. You can use the cards with that one missing. As you interpret the reading, the right information will come to you via the other cards in the reading. Go ahead. Use them. They are only symbolic guides to your own inner knowledge.

  • Mrs. Pears says:

    Did you loose the card, or maybe it was never packaged. If you contact the company, I bet you could get a replacement sent to you. If you’ve had the deck for too long, you might have to pay for it yourself.

  • mckenziecalhoun says:

    Which of your friends knows the meaning of that card?

    They may know more.

  • Syn says:

    That is just freaky!

    Answer #1 is the best…… wow

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