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Since I have been blocked from commenting on his videos, I’ve decided to respond to openairpreacher’s latest video “The War with Witches and So Called Christian Witches !” here. His video can be seen here: Music by permission of Positively Dark @ Song: Steal (Remix)

20 Responses to Re: The War with Witches and So-Called Christian Witches ! (openairpreacher)

  • nicknchrist says:

    All witches do NOT overtly worship Satan. TO think that is retarded. There is a difference between knowingly worshipping the father of lies and being deceived even though you may have good intentions. I just find it interesting that if wicca and other religions that are so “open” never mention the Lord Jesus Christ who bled and died on the cross for our sins and who seeks to share His Kingdom with us and give us eternal life and ALL power.

  • witchcerridwen says:

    yes i saw the video on the open air preacher to,it seems to me he means well.but he just cannot get his facts straight.and lets face it,christianity counts all other religions as fals.

  • MavenStillwater says:

    Exquisitely well said, looking forward to viewing your other vids:) ) o (

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    LOL I meant:

    When we cease to learn, we cease to GROW as individuals. Sorry about that.

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Thank you.

    I respect anyone, no matter what their ideology, so long as they are respectful to others and to their beliefs (even if they disagree with those beliefs).

    I think everyone can learn from different view points. When we cease to learn, we cease to learn as individuals.

    Have a fantastic weekend! 🙂

  • peqdf says:

    liked the video, I’m always interested in learning more about religions, even when I am an atheist..

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Thank you for your comment, CallGirl2Christian.

    Don’t worry, I know that openairpreacher’s view on Christianity does not represent the faith as a whole.

    I am aware that there are good people with good hearts out there who follow in the Christian faith as you do.

    I am thankful you have so brightly represented them here. 🙂

    Blessed be.

  • CallGirl2Christian says:

    TigerofSpirit, most of us Christians learn to pay no mind to openairpreacher. He quoted a scripture to you as if it applied to you, but it doesn’t. When Jesus spoke those words he was talking to the religious leaders of the Jews – the Pharisees. Jesus wasn’t directing it toward the pagans or those outside of the Jewish religion. Please understand that most of us Christians are NOT like him. He is a man full of hatred towards Christians and non-Christians alike.

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Quoting the bible to me means about as much as me quoting the Wiccan Rede would mean to you.

    Quit hiding behind scripture.

  • openairpreacher says:

    Matthew 22:18 (KJV)
    But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Unless I think I am above it? That has a rather antagonistic tone to it and I see no point in carrying on a further discussion with you if you intend to use playground style bullying tactics such as this.

    What’s next? “I double dog dare you!”?

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Thank you for the offer of now allowing me to comment either text and extending me the courtesy of posting this as a video response to yours. But, I humbly decline your offer.

    Those who do an appropriate search here on YT are sure to trip across it. I’m not that interested in having a world wide audience, just in presenting the truth from my personal perspective.

  • openairpreacher says:

    you are welcome to try again,,I dont understand what happend,,,
    unless you think your above it

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    I was blocked as my comments no longer appeared when I posted them. That is not running, that is not being allowed freedom of speech.

    Any statement to suggest otherwise is just more untruths on your part. Given your record on the statements you’ve made in your videos thus far, I have no reason to defend myself against your accusations to the contrary.

  • openairpreacher says:

    also your welcome to comment and also post this video as a response video..

  • openairpreacher says:

    your not blocked ,,never were,, you just ran!

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    Thank you very very much Darkmoon.

    Blessed be )O(

  • thedarkmoonmidnight says:

    5 stars and faved and even added to one of my playlists, as the information and opinion here are not only well said, but truthful and from the heart. kudos

  • TigerOfSpirit says:

    I take that as a fantastic compliment coming from you 🙂

    Blessed be.

  • MsSophiaDawn says:

    I bow before you m’lady…..Excellente!


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