Question by JustChill: Reached a sexual peak or overreacting?
a couple of weeks ago my partner and i experienced what i thought to be the best sex of our relationship–we came at exactly the same time and it was just overal storybook magical. the following night it was quite possibly the worst sex of our entire relationship. Yikes! Anyways ever since then the sex has been not as good to say the least. and shorter–so i can’t get off. I think he is trying but just can’t last maybe, idk. Anyways we have been sexually intimate for two years now and before my only complaint was that it was too long……what is happening?
Best answer:
Answer by Nini ^^
Well, okay. Here’s what I’ve come to notice.. it’s never as good as the night before. Think about this : When you masturbate(d), did you do it every day? If so, were there some days that were REALLY good, and some days t hat just sucked and you didn’t even want tobother?
Did you tell your husband that it was the best sex ever? He might be feeling pressured and that could be stressing him out and in turn making his “performance” lack. 😛
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yeah you reached a sexual peak & it couldn’t have been any better when you two came at the same time the night before! 🙂
He probably just got a little nervous. You had your best sex so far, and he feels like he’ll be letting you down if he doesn’t perform every time. But from experience, that’s pretty normal. It isn’t anything to be worried about.
It fluctuates, me and my man had months of good sex, then it just sucked for another two monthes, now its picking up again, give it time!
you may think I am nuts but try this one on for size (no pun intended) take a week to two weeks off from the sex, just talk, no arguments just talking. then go back to the sex. don’t forget that sex is not the do all and be all. I am happy for you that you had your magical moment but that is not the end of it.
I think that you are overreacting.
I think you should just enjoy when it gets that good. Me and my wife have sex like that every once in a while and when it is that good it is amazing. Don’t try to do match it every time because you’ll try to hard and it will just be akward. Just let it cum (hehe) to you and you’ll get it when you least expect it.
You never consistently out-perform yourself every time in anything you do.
Generally, the more orgasm-focused either of you are (making it happen or not making it happen) the worse the over-all experience is.
I think you rushed things the second night.
Wait to get started until you cannot stand to wait any longer.
Women tend to be a lot more fickle than men about how it goes; sometimes 0, sometime 5. /shrug.
it could be that he is feeling guilty for not performing as he had in the past and is not feeling good about himself. He also may be feeling that you are dissapointed in him and his performance. A mans ego is a delicate thing and can cause him to go into a downward emotional spiral due to this.
Sorry, I can’t relate.
Even my worst orgasm ever
was right on the mark.
we all have good and bad days. Don’t focus on it so much, let things go in their own time the great sex is not lost.
You have answered your own question, “I think he is trying but just can’t last maybe, idk.” I believe that he is trying too hard. Give it a break for about a week and don’t try so hard. Try pleasing him until he is satisfied then let him reciprocate. It won’t be perfect every time. But cherish when it is. You are fortunate to have experienced it and it will happen again.