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2) To know where you have been

A wise man once said – Only after knowing where you have been, can you tell where you are going.

Only by knowing what type of a person you are, can you recognize what type of decisions you would make when a situation occurs. This is often the hardest for people getting a tarot reading to hear.

We usually put blinders on when it comes to recognizing the type of person we are. I know that when I hear something about myself, something that I did not want to hear, I tend to deny it.

This is the reason that some people come away from tarot readings upset and in denial.

It is true, though, that before we can change the future, we need to know what type of a person we are. If you are an impulsive person, with a bit of a free spirit in you, you will make a completely different decision about a situation than you would if you were an obsessive person who loved things orderly and neat.

One of the things that you need to know is that, according to the tarot, things are not set in stone. Things can change as long as you keep your eyes, and your heart, open.

3) The Wheel Of Fortune

In order to understand the wheel of fortune, you have to think about the carnival. It never fails: in almost every carnival, there is a man or woman with a large wheel that is marked with prizes or money denominations. The carnie will say – Round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows.

Eventually the wheel slows and the spinner lands on something. This is what The Wheel of Fortune is all about. It is meant to show that no matter wherever the person is in life,

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