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..Great site to go check out Just orderd the money spell and had a big change in my money troubles…

11 Responses to Real spells that work

  • pokedeathmage says:

    if u had financial problems u couldnt fucking afford a money spell

  • toalazlo5 says:

    What if it’s a scam or a hoax?

  • spamm182 says:

    nice…i go hear to find an answer…n it leads me to another site…wtf..just post dat stupid nonsence on hear..Bitch!

  • TrueGreatness73 says:

    The thing that doesn’t make sense with money spells is that why would you sell that information if you know how to do the money spell already.. Why would you need more money? I dont trust people who sell money spells because it doesn’t make sense. If you look around the internet I am sure you will find some money spells but I dont know if any of them work

  • gregsmusic1 says:

    @fervent66 im not doing it for fun, i have an actual need, how comes no 1 share the spells? I mean if it really works and it has positive results, would’nt you want to share it with friends and family? Hmm makes me think if it really is real

  • gregsmusic1 says:


  • gregsmusic1 says:

    @fervent66 i wonder now if it really works
    the reason why i say this,cause no one will give me a straight response
    I think for some it just all in there heads and no real facts to back up what they are saying
    if witchcraft or whatever its called really works,how comes you dont hear more about it?,and if its so good,how comes people just dont come out and say,this is what you do if you want money or love,power etc.

  • fervent66 says:

    OOPS !!!!!!!. just delete ( + ) from between all the letters.
    then, u will have these websites.

    have fun. let me know, what u all think.


  • fervent66 says:

    @gregsmusic1 why don’t u buy yourself a spellbook to do money spells.
    or, numerous spells altogether.

    the website he gave u, is inaccurate.




    awesome awesome websites. for everyone and there needs.

  • gregsmusic1 says:

    @BandyMccowanr5t will you please share those spells,,im interested in a money spell

  • BandyMccowanr5t says:

    I used their two of their spells and i am super satisfy
    “africavoodoo . com”

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