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I think one of the things I’d like to address is the concept of love. I’m waxing philosophical now, but it is nevertheless how I feel. I think at one time, although we loved deep and hard, we had the ability to let go and rejoice when a loved one took the journey to the other side. Death is a part of life. And yet if someone we love dies, we often feel as we are falling apart. As if we have very little to live for. This is not true! We have much to live for, and have much to pass on to others. The person who died hasn’t left us, but they did leave the physical body and move to a different dimension. We may no longer see them as we once did, but that doesn’t make them any the less real. We are to love unconditionally, accepting others as they are, and accepting the fact that they have moved on to a higher plane of existance. They haven’t gone to heaven or to hell, just back to the Creator. We all make our own heaven or hell. I’ve heard people say that hell is here on earth, and sometimes it certainly seems that way. It only exists in our mind. There is one power in the Universe, and it is good. We perceive a negative or evil power because someone, somewhere, at sometime decided that we would be better off if we had a leader to follow. Now I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to follow someone, except when that someone decides he/she knows what is best for all. What if they don’t have your best interests at heart? What if they only want to take what you have? In the beginning of time, when man no longer remembered where he came from or what he was, he lost understanding of the forces of nature and became afraid.  Gods were created to explain these things. You made someone angry, or committed a ‘sin’, the gods were angered. They must

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