Recommended Linn Hi-Fi Systems
Linn Hi-Fi Systems are designed for people who value performance, sound and experience from their music systems. The recommended Linn Hi-Fi systems as highlighted by Rococo Systems and Design include: Klimax Music System, Akurate Music Systems, Majik Music System and the Majik Movie System.
The Klimax Music system is great for people who simply value performance and want the best in music audio systems. With over 30 years experience producing the world’s finest audio systems Linn has made the Klimax DS, which can be said to be the world’s finest digital stream player of its kind. Combing groundbreaking performance with convenience the Kilmax is the ultimate digital stream player. Every aspect of this system is carefully designed to protect and maintain the pure, delicate music signal and with this to ensure the highest possible level of performance. You will be ecstatic by the new level of performance delivered from your existing music collection, but for the first time ever, you can also enjoy studio quality sound recordings in your own home.
Linn have also designed the Akurate Music System. This system is a dedicated music system that delivers remarkably gripping performance from conventional
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