Recommended Linn Systems
Rococo Systems and designs are Linn Hi-Fi specialists and also custom installers of audio, video and home automation systems who are based in the south of England. Linn offer a range of high performance, precision engineered products for the highest quality movie and music systems.
The Linn range has a fantastic range of recommended systems including the Klimax Music Systems, Akurate Music System, Majik Music System and Majil Move System.
Klimax Music Systems
The Linn Klimax Music System is a music system for people who value performance and want to have the best music experience they can. The Linn Klimax music system is embodying over 30 years of experience in accurate musical reproduction; this means that you will get the highest possible performance stereo music allowing you to hear only pure sound and quality music and nothing else. The Klimas music system comprises of Linn Klimax DS digital music player, Linn Klimax Kontrol pre-amplifier and Linn Klimax 350A loudspeakers. This system can also be expanded to include an n LP12 turntable for those of you who still value good quality music from vinyls.
Akurate Music System
The Linn Akurate System is an exceptional stereo and multi channel (surround sound) performance from all your analogue and digital sources. This system allows you to listen to all your music collection throughout your home with this music system. Again you can also ass a