Recommended Linn Systems from Rococo
The web definition of Hi Fi is:* “High fidelity or hi-fi reproduction is a term used by home stereo listeners and home audio enthusiasts (audiophiles) to refer to high-quality reproduction of sound or images that are very faithful to the original performance”
In that case Linn Hi Fi’s definitely fit that bill perfectly because Linn have spent the last thirty years honing their considerable skills to create music that is, not only, an experience for your ears, but because the raw emotion within the music is heard, it, also, becomes much greater than an auditory event, but, involves the mind and heart, too.
All Linn Hi Fi products have been produced by hand utilising the latest engineering advances to produce Hi Fi’s that can extricate the greatest amount of information from the audio format of the CD, thereby, allowing Linn Hi Fi’s the possibility of recreating a truer, clearer musical resonance.
Linn Hi Fi products may be bought as complete music systems, which will enhance your music experience beyond your wildest dreams:
The Majik Music System:
Linn’s Majik Hi Fi music system incorporates:
CD player (with the ability to extract data from CD’s, HDCD- encoded data, DTS CD’s and MP3
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