From their 1991 album, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, RHCP’s Under the Bridge!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Under The Bridge with lyrics Enjoy
From their 1991 album, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, RHCP’s Under the Bridge!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Red Hot Chili Peppers – Under The Bridge with lyrics Enjoy
watever happened to the jonas brothers wow they must reallly suck
Wow. Really hoped to see people commenting about heroin and the song. Possibly how they can relate? Apparently not.
17 people are losers
what song is theirs with the crazy ass bass intro
@havenoname96 they hit the wrong button
O thakx 4 ths song i need something soulful and meaning full in this world and some thing with emotions to help me cry
@crazy4baseball47 haha okay thankyou n.n i’m glad you understand what I mean
Kick ass bro.
@aMemorie ppl no… u were jus makin a point that ppl shouldnt be so steriotypical about anyone… ur all good hun
@crazy4baseball47 haha thank you n.n well I just hope I didn’t make a joke out of myself by sayin’ “i’m emo” xD because it’s pretty lame to say that about yourself. butyeah.
@aMemorie o yea i know where u comin from. im supposably a “wigger” without the baggy clothes and ppl think i just like rap music… but i love da peppers haha and many other genres. so if u dress thatway u are probably beautiful!!:) idk y but i just love that style on girls:)
@crazy4baseball47 well I admit dressing like that. and listening to that kind of music and stuff. but I just wanted to make a point ; it’s not that emokids and shizzle can’t love music like this.
@aMemorie u actually admit being emo???? :/ ive never heard an emo person say that, usually they keep it to themselves and people already know… but i dontcare i think the way emo girls dress are sexy
Anthony Is the greatest ever
@gonafail thats awesome keep up the good work thats epic your lucky you were able to stop
15 people missclicked dislike
i love disss song
@havenoname96 10 people missed the like button obviously!
So great, so beautiful. This song is pure joy. I love it. It reminds me the good old times when I was a teen.
As I say always but when the CHOIR begins to sing, it’s a MASTERPIECE. One of the best songs of the last 30 years, at least.
@Kollf i’m emo and i love this, so wtf are you sayin’ that it probably are emo’s who dislike this vid? :’3
RHCP!!!!! BAYBY!!!!!!!!
@havenoname96 couse they are stupid emos of shit!! red hot the best !!
@gonafail 25 months for me
and im 15… Lol Probation helped me alot