Red Letter Day: How to Open The Treasure Vault of Talent Within
MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Embrace The Day Sexually Ignited
Today can be the red letter day when your life (and, YOU) cease to be unacknowledged for the glorious 24 hours of intensive rapture and unfathomable joy it offers as you unfold measurably in it. Don’t waste another moment in numbed oblivion. Without your conscious participation, the day will slip by as if it didn’t matter, when in actuality, all of your days are full of expedient works of wonder to behold. But, you must be attuned to the sound of your song playing! Oh! Divine Human Being who inhabits the Earth plane, doest thou not know the individual miraculous adventure that lies before thee ready to be cultivated, experienced, and embraced? Gracious Hours are allotted for you to do with as you will. What will you choose to do? You Are a Master of Divine Essence who has simply forgotten your Sacred Heritage, along with the substantial manifesting artistic power you inherently possess. Dream Yourself awake in full animated splendor!
Now is the day and hour to recognize, admit and invite that which is beneficent within to flow out in realms of majestically instilled beauty of form, sound and color. Make not just lip service but affirm passionately the specific needs you require. An unending Universal Love infiltrated with everlasting Grace fills thy soul. No lack exists on any level. You are enormously endowed with a sacred presence of sexual sensual artistic ability waiting to be excavated and produced in personal adorable expression.
Stand upright this day and fill it full with your enamored presence recognizing fully how your precious Divine Hands are working in your life to bring about all beautiful and necessary events as part of the