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Religious Persecution In America

Copyright 2009 by Christopher Aldridge, All Rights Reserved.


   The year is now 2009 in the United States of America. We are so quick to assume that we are past religious persecutions in this country, and for the most part we may be, but the problem still lurks in many forms with more influence than you may think. If you think that we live in a country full of tolerance and where no one at anytime would ever be harmed or discriminated against because of their religion, think again!

   I cannot say for sure that these things happen on a large scale, but they are still wrong, big or small. Let’s say there are two thieves, on steals 0 the other 00. Big or small, they are both thieves.

   Many Wiccans and Pagans I have met are in hiding. I have known several who stay in hiding for fear of losing their job or even being killed or harmed in certain places simply because of their religious beliefs.

   Now I am sure that if someone harmed or killed another simply because of religion and the criminal would be caught, they would be punished to the fullest extent of the law (this may be in question in the deep south). But because there are so many in hiding for fear of losing their job, shows there is a problem. Being fired because of your religion is a harsh reality. And the real tragedy here is the fact that it is very hard to prove that your boss fired you because of your religion. It would mostly be tough to prove that beyond the shadow of a reasonable doubt.

   But if you’ve worked a job for a year or more without any trouble and you are fired shortly after your religion is discovered or comes out, there is clearly something fishy, and should be highly investigated by

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