the proper authorities.
Due to a lot of Christian and media propaganda, Wiccans and Pagans tend to get a bad, disgusting label. Sadly, this leads to their discrimination and even danger to their safety. Some Wiccans have told me that they see a lot of hatred and discrimination toward Wiccans and Pagans in their areas. There was one I spoke to from the deep south who told me of how religiously intolerant his area was. One even went as far as to tell me that if I would start telling how the Bible came from Paganism in their area, I could be killed.
I pray that the religiously intolerant is only a few who speak louder than the majority who are tolerant. If my religion was discovered at my place of employment, I would not be ashamed, but I would fear losing my job. Even our former President George Bush spoke out against Witchcraft being practiced on military bases when he campaigned for President for the first time. I think we need the New Age that is growing larger and larger everyday.
Christopher is a writer who lives in North Carolina.
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