1-40 as ele seemed better..after that enhancement all the way up til 70..Then if you got the gear Ele CLEARLY takes the cake…and ele is the shit…you never oom and u drop shit insanely quick..and ur looking ati t way wrong, especially at 75. Flame shock lava burst, re-shock dead…and if u actually have gear and totem down….LB will almost kill anything at that lvl.
im lvling as a ench/resto duel spec. I think ench is a much better lvling spec. U barely lose mana and can do some insane burst dps. I wud really like to know why ele is better for lvling?
I know u asked him but u got no answer so
I used healbot for 5 and 10 man healing but couldn’t see a shit in 25 man with healbot and now i just doesn’t use healbot at all xD
Hey nice video mate , I am rerolling for 3th time making shammy . I need some advice from ya , when should i respecc from encha to resto? what lvl is good for still lvling . I might take duel spec too
… the fact that he is using chain heal when only one takes damage makes him terrible, doesn’t matter if no one dies, hell I can heal an entire instance with LHW and no one dies, but I could probably have done it much easier if I where to be using a combo of chain heal LHW and riptide
@dragonhoner1 Get duel spec :b
Level with ele and do instances with resto
why the hell are you using chain heal if only one person is taking dmg?? and u used it on youself wtf?
1-40 as ele seemed better..after that enhancement all the way up til 70..Then if you got the gear Ele CLEARLY takes the cake…and ele is the shit…you never oom and u drop shit insanely quick..and ur looking ati t way wrong, especially at 75. Flame shock lava burst, re-shock dead…and if u actually have gear and totem down….LB will almost kill anything at that lvl.
Same, ench personnaly is much better than ele. Wud u rather lvl as a ench which is nearly a paladin. Or a mage with no slowing effects?
im lvling as a ench/resto duel spec. I think ench is a much better lvling spec. U barely lose mana and can do some insane burst dps. I wud really like to know why ele is better for lvling?
I don’t play wow anymore , but thanks anyway
lol i only use riptide when im healing on my atm 71 shammy
tanks have stopped loosing hp :S
I know u asked him but u got no answer so
I used healbot for 5 and 10 man healing but couldn’t see a shit in 25 man with healbot and now i just doesn’t use healbot at all xD
U still use healbot for raids? or What do U use? I rlly like to know that
Am olready 50 still enchantement , I got duel spec resto , Both good geared, I think I won’t go elemental after all
Dont go enhancement. Do elemental for levelining instead. It will speed up your leveling ALOT. I would say that you should at late 70’s, as lvl 77-79.
Hey nice video mate , I am rerolling for 3th time making shammy . I need some advice from ya , when should i respecc from encha to resto? what lvl is good for still lvling . I might take duel spec too
the point pretty much is though is that nobody died :/
… the fact that he is using chain heal when only one takes damage makes him terrible, doesn’t matter if no one dies, hell I can heal an entire instance with LHW and no one dies, but I could probably have done it much easier if I where to be using a combo of chain heal LHW and riptide
did you see anyone die? no so obviously he isn’t a bad healer…
yeah but 100000x more boreing
this guy is terrible all he’s doing is chain healing, not using the other tools that blizzard gave him to accomplish his goal.
why is there no riptide?
Coburn – We Interrupt This Program (Interrupted Vocal Mix)
cool makes life of a healer 10x easier
what addon is that where u just click the focus to heal?
good job