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When you were at age you marry an accountant, which abuse you before your marriage and afterward. The last straw was when he assaulted you and burned your clothing. You divorced him, left your country and you are working now in this city as a nurse.” She was astonished and asked me, “Who told you this because all of what you had told me is the truth.” I said to her, “God loves you and has a plan for your life.” She started to cry uncontrollable. After ten minutes I left. I had no chance to lead her to Christ. I knew at the time that the Lord wants to deal with her on His own.

 Another occasion was when a man visited us. We sat at the kitchen table and we shared the gospel of Jesus’ saving grace with this fellow. This man started to pretend he knew God. I looked at my refrigerator and saw a vision of an African Green parrot in a cage on top of it. When the parrot saw me it flee away with a distinct noise through the bars of the cage and hid behind the refrigerator. The experience was so real that the natural and spiritual surroundings were blended into the one world of Christ. I got up to look for the parrot behind the refrigerator. It is needless to say that it was not there. In the vision I discerned that the man was in bondage (the cage) and that he was just repeating what he heard in the past (like a parrot) from his mind (color green). The Holy Spirit showed me he was pretending.

 At all times be a humble servant of the Lord. Do not be intimidated by my experiences. These experiences do not happen all the time. By sharing what the Holy Spirit has shown you from the Scriptures can be equally effective. Often you will not even realize that you have ministered to somebody’s need.

 Stay humble by making sure

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