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be found among the sons of men. Without a revelation, vision or dream people perish. Without revelation there is no hope. Without hope there is no faith to create substances for the pleasure of God. Without faith you cannot please God and he who does not manifest faith that is worked by love does not know God.

 A relationship with God starts with a revelation from God. Revelation starts with seeking and searching for godly wisdom by giving yourself to prayer and the word of God. This is the road to faith and hope that is worked by love. This is pleasing to God. Trust and love do not develop outside of a deep relationship.

 God reveals Himself to us in dreams, visions, revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit, parables of the word and the audible hearing of the Gospel and even messages from angels. The interpretation of His riddles brings understanding to the mind and unspeakable joy to the heart. How much He delights in you when you search out concealed matters. Revelation is not so much an understanding of what God can do for you or what you can do for God, as it is an assurance of what He is to you, and a plan of what you can become to Him. Revelation comes to you that you can grow into a substance of fulfillment for God, the household of faith and the rest of the kingdom of God. The image of His Son is His delight.

 The kingdom of God is all about relationships. The purpose of God for your life is to become a son to Him by conforming to the image of Christ according to the anointing that is working in you. Revelation is most often an enlightenment to draw you in a closer relationship with God and your neighbor. It is an ever-growing awareness of what He is in you, for Him. It is a discovery of the anointing that is working in

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