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seek God with all of your heart you will find Him revealed in the woodwork of the detail of the Scriptures.

 During Old Testament times, God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at various times and in various ways. The Lord does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). The Old Testament prophets prophesied concerning Christ and concerning His suffering. Yet they did not understood it as God has veiled His wisdom in plain sight from them. The wisdom of God is revealed in that Jesus has become the Mediator of a better covenant. All the things that were written by the prophets concerning the Son of Man were accomplished. Thereafter God spoke to us by His Son that He may reveal Him in which image we must come forth. A revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ set us free from the curse of the law and causes us to come forth into His glorious image as we behold Him in the Spirit. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When we behold Him through the Spirit of God we lay hold of Him in the same manner that He laid hold of us. If the revelation is not united with faith it does not profit us. It is through faith that we are transformed into the perfect image of Christ that we behold in the Spirit. His image is the end from the beginning and it is an ever-growing image. Just as a tree planted at the waters we grow from glory to glory in Him. Every stage is perfect in Christ. To know Him is to grow and mature in Him according to the anointing that is working in each one of us. The anointing of each member of His body is unique according to its purpose and function.

 For every member to function in the glorious body of Christ emphasis must be placed on servanthood. The Lord will

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