Sorry for some mistakes towards the end of the song! Wah from my Digitech Bass Synth Wah pedal Comment, rate, and enjoy!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Sorry for some mistakes towards the end of the song! Wah from my Digitech Bass Synth Wah pedal Comment, rate, and enjoy!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
@beanflea12 Yea its played 4-6 because if you play it 5-6 then you play it on Eb major and its eb minor of course
lol I had to
My criticism is over now ha could you tell what notes you are hitting in the wah solo. Its the only part of the song i cant get to sound perfect ???
None taken. You have your opinion and i have mine
No offense, but I’m pretttttty sure I’m right lol, but well noticed!
well done especially on the wah part !
just a minor error i think on the main riff. im pretty sure its A — 4–6 not 5–6. other than that pretty dam good!
nicely done my friend, same bass as me aswel