Antoine Garth breaks down the important features and aspects of the Celtic Cross tarot spread. Once understood,the celtic cross is one of the most flexible and revealing tarot spreads available, revealing specific time elements, the emotional state of your client and the possible outcome of the situation. For more information, visit
Video Rating: 5 / 5 – 12 month forecast using the Astrology Spread for Tarot Cards and the Rider Waite Smith deck of Tarot Cards. Amanda Goldston, UK based Tarot Author and Coach shows you how to use the very versatile Astrology Spread, both for a forecast for the Goldston family for the next 12 months, in 2010, and also shows you how to use the 12 houses of Astrology to enhave your tarot readings. Learn how to read tarot cards quickly and easily. Part two, 1, July to December 2010 and the special 13th card for the overall tone of the year.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
What deck is this, it has cool colors
Thank you!!
To place the second card, you turn it 90 degrees clockwise. So… if it’s NOT reversed, the top of the card will be facing your right, and the bottom of the card will facing your left.
Example: if the Magician is your second card, and the card is NOT reversed, his head would be on the right and his feet would be on the left.
I hope that helped!
How do you tell if card 2 is reversed? Which direction is upright for a sideways card?
antione garth, got his name the second time watching it, cheers
get a life!!!
very good explanation, iv only just started with tarot myself n im amazed at how accurate they are, iv only done one reading for someone n so far they say its at least 94% accurate the reading i did, but than you to whoever put this on you tube and thank you to the black guy who explained the celtic cross better for me coz thats the one i used, thanks guys
send me a message please if you have any more videos like this, cheers 
sorry sorry i had 2 youtube pages open and i sent the comment in the wrong box (sorry)
what does that have to do with anything? great video man very informative