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Sabbats Greater and Lessor

There are 8 sabbats, or Wiccan holy days. They are spread through out the year, and many fall on or close to Christian holy days. They are divided into two groups, Greater Sabbats, fall on dates of high energy. And Lessor Sabbats, which fall on the equinox and solstice days. These divide the year into eight more or less equal parts, like the spokes of a wheel. And are generally though of in that concept. The Wheel of the Year.

Samhain, is the first of the Greater Sabbats, it falls on what the rest of the United States calls Halloween (All hallows eve, in the past). It marks the beginning of the Wiccan year. It is a time to connect with our departed ancestors, as the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead is at its thinest on this day. It is also a celebration of a bountiful harvest. It is a day of Thanksgiving, in the most traditional sense. Samhain falls on October 31st.

Yule, the first of the Lessor Sabbats, falls on the shortest day of the year, or the Winter Solstice. When the Darkness of winter finally yields to the light of spring. It is similar to the Christianized version of Christmas. We celebrate the coming of the Son of the Goddess (the sun also), who brings the light and awakens the sleeping earth. Yule is December 22nd this year (actually next year).

Imbolc, also a Greater Sabbat is celebrated on February 2nd. It is also known as Groundhogs day in the US, and Candelmas by people of the Catholic faith. It is a spring ritual, celebrating rebirth. This is a time that many covens initiate members.

Ostara, is the Lessor spring Sabbat, falling on the Vernal or spring equinox (the day when daylight and darkness are equal). It is

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