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celebrated on approximately the 20th of March (check your calendar as it is not a fixed day.) It is a celebration of Spring, new life, and fertility. Babies, animals and human were being born after the darkness of the winter, trees were in leaf. And the fields were ready to be planted. This is the closest we as Wiccans come to celebrating Easter.

Beltane, a Greater Sabbat, is the last of the spring celebations. It was the day that people could slow down, since the planting was done, and all the livestock had been born. It was a day to rejoice in love, it was the day for handfasting. Beltane, is also known as May Day, it falls on May 1st.

Litha, is the summer Lessor Sabbat, falling on the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, it is celebrated on June 21st this year. It is also a celebration of fertility, as this was the time when people could begin to see the fruits of their labor. The oats, and rye were growing in the fields, and fruits and vegetables appeared on plants and trees.

Lammas, is the first of the harvest celebrations, and a Greater Sabbat. The earliest vegetables are harvested. Food is plentiful. Lammas is celebrated on August 1st traditionally the day that the first barley harvest was complete.

Mabon, the final Lesser Sabbat of the year, is celebrated on the Autumnal Equinox, or the first day of fall, the 23rd of September. It is a harvest celebration, when all the food has been brought in and the stores of food are being put away for winter. It is the day that once again daylight and night are equal, and signals the coming of the dark as the days gradually shorten.

For more information, I suggest the following books, “The Grandmother of Time” by

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