Cate and Frank lead a Spring ritual in honor of Ostara. Taped live at CTV in New Haven, CT.
Cate and Frank lead a Spring ritual in honor of Ostara. Taped live at CTV in New Haven, CT.
All, thank-you for the kind words. The older little-girl is in college now, and my other daughter is a senior in HS. How fast the time goes!
@dzsk8 r, So wonderful! Enjoy your Spring Rites!
@kylwilso n, Bright Blessings to you also!
@wiccan chick30, We did lots of rituals together when the girls were young. Time for a reunion I suspect.
I will try to post an episode each month until I am through the library.
– Bill
I dont comment often on Youtube videos, but I thought that was really wonderful!
Bright blessings
this really helped me! im 13 years old and my mother is pagan. i got the honor to write this years ritual! this gave me many ideas! thank you. i cant believe how quickly ostara has come this year! blessed be! )o(
If I were You, I’d wear green and yellow on this ceremony.
Altar is also in different colours (candles, table cloth) etc.
now thats what im talking about .
This sure makes a lot more sense,
thanks for showing me how its done
and blessed be )0(.
those guys have been eating too many peeps
This was great! A beautiful ritual.
really like the casting of the circle. nice and natural

thanks for the post
Blessed Ostara! May the light shine and have a wonderful spring
Thank you. I’m doing this as a solitary wiccan and I needed a tip. GREAT that you guys are so kid friendly!
A lovely ritual! ^^
Blessed be!