Sacred Esoteric Human Master Mental Magician, What Will You Conjure Up Today?
MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Using The Esoteric Power Of The MInd To Create Magick In Your Life
A most revered (coveted) esoteric secret known to many but accepted by few is that you are in possession of everything you could possibly ever want,(love, understanding, health, beauty, truth, contentment, happiness) need, (sexual/stimulation gratification/fulfillment)desire (success, riches, material wealth), or aspire(contribution to mankind, notable fame, meaningful reputation, spiritual realization) to. You carry within you at all times, the divine destiny of which you were born on this earth to carry out. The fact that you think you don’t have it (and, in no way even close to its materialization) so much so that you presume you must ASK for it, is the unmistakable identifiable clue in/of what you seek, you already possess. IF it exists in the realm of your mind, you are capable of producing it. No ifs, ands, buts or questions! No matter what the specifications of the enterprise you envision, You and You alone, have the power to manifest it. IF you can truly envision it, it exists for you, from you, because of you.
The question remains, “Why do you seek else where for that which you have found within?”
You may again inquire,” But I have not found it within, why do you say I have?”
Have you sought the depth of your entire being? Have you pondered the limitless boundaries within your gut? Have you smelled the engulfing aroma of your sacred divinity? Have you expressed the limits of you true sexual identity? Have you ever played with the possibility that your sensual artistic world is an inside deal for real? You establish