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10 Responses to Sacred Sex Created Protestant Christianity & THANKSGIVING out of Semen of Catholic Papal Fun 110109

  • snarfeater says:

    thanks for the advice i can follow it easily

  • KillcrazeWoW says:

    Very good video.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Yup, the true manifestation of the creator got that hides between male legs. As Amun used to be called….The HIDDEN ONE…always searching for caves of creation to deposit His holy milky offerings at the altar of Venus GEnetrix

  • jtrubilla says:

    Penis Christ …ROFL!

  • lc237 says:

    Excellent information. I hope it gets to the ones who need to read it the most. Good job.

  • lipoicacid says:

    Yo Cal- you’re at 15,000 views for ”Sacred Sex Wrought Christian Pedophilia Faith”.I proud of you but it goes to show what you have to title things to get noticed by these people =D

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Do everything in moderation, Reject poisons ( meth, tobacco, prescripion pills unless absolutely necessary etc), reject Faith psychosis, it keeps you dumb superstitious & filled with fear of death

    The most important thing to keep healthy & YOUNG looking is GET RID OF SEMEN, do not let the this aging creating substance accumulate. Give nature its due. Eject sperm at least once every two days, with or without assistance. Have ONE alcoholic drink per day. Don’t eat red meat at all.

  • snarfeater says:

    yo cal. u look great i thought u were 45 years old dude!! whats your secret i kno its good to eat veggies and excercise

  • youtubkicksass says:

    Good day, morning, or night Calpurnpiso. I would greatly enjoy if you respond with any answer to this, because the whole point of my comment is to get a responce or i would just be communication no more then a wall. Your videos are a source of determination because of how you never will give up on educating ignorant people. It is a very tough job to express the truth to the world but this day may be their’s but the future is unpredictable and it may be ours.

  • hitchman84 says:

    Oh yeah!!! The good’ol Borgia popes. I was wondering when you’d get to those degenerates, Calp.
    If anyone wants to learn anything about this particular family, or Medieval Christianity in general, I suggest they read A World Lit Only By Fire. There’s your Christianity for ‘ya.

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