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How can you make sex sacred? Is there a way that it can be more than about just the physical connection? Find out about tantra and other sacred sexualities with Dr. Joy. For more information on love and health, or to read a full transcript of this video, visit

Presenting the truth, backed up by archaeology & neurology of WHERE belief in God originated from, the WHY and HOW these Beliefs were organized into religion. It all started with SACRED SEX & its Orgasmic Heavenly Gift

50 Responses to Sacred Sex: Tantra to Magick

  • calpurnpiso says:

    Thanks for the input. Yup, imagine all the money you can save & spend on “SIN” which it is to feed your BRAIN & enjoy this ONLY one life you’ve got?

    Don’t forget,the more one knows the more difficult it is for the Theotards to LIE to you

    The Bible as ALL religious texts influence by the ingestion of entheogens are BULLSH*T. They do contain some truth like stories in Winnie The Poo

    In ancient Rome, all temples had DRUGS, MAgic acts created by the devious priests to see Gods & sacred sex.Great

  • mhennessy68 says:

    Thanks man. This is actually a resonable way religion was created. I was Christian until i saw this. So is the bible all lies then or are some stories true? I aint getting on my knees and sucking dick no more. The only way you will get me going back to church is if i see god in a trip lol

  • believerornot says:

    the truth might hurt but it is very funny!

  • akaider says:

    very true, as jordan maxwell says why do you think all priest go to ‘seminary’!

  • calpurnpiso says:


    I know truth hurts & I must THANK you for PROVING my point about the Psychopathy of Christian retarded genocidal thinking. Ahh..LOL..I should be murdered like the BILLIONS killed by the creators of Christianity the Catholic(Universal church).Constantine I in 325ce initiated this vile psychopathy which stagnated the intellect introducing the DARK AGES & the immorality we see today. Google Victims of the Christian faith(Psychopathy)
    Christian Hitler is your hero right?Seek help Tard

  • Melsondroph says:

    One star because this guy is full of shit and should be murdered live on TV.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    I also suggest before engaging into this sacred holy act to use the customary libations, Sacraments. They could be watered wine sweetened with honey ( Roman mulsum) & cannabis sativa. In more experienced cases the milk of Bufo Alvarius TOAD can be smoke summoning the sacred presence of a GOD
    Highly RELIGIOUS Romans used Datura, MorningGlory flowers, opium buds & other alkaloids in their ceremonies to SEE & talk to their GODS
    Today people don’t realize the BRAIN creates god

  • calpurnpiso says:


    In ancient times the penis of God-Kings were revered by all. It was the sacred Health giving snake, Rays-Horns of the Sun. The kings had BOTH heads anointed with sacred oil. The glans was seen as the OneEye All seen CreatorGod Head giver of Sacred Orgasm. Rub it (like Aladdin’s Lamp) it’ll resurrect & the Genie of orgasm would appear. Oil lubricated sacred PATH

    Semen-Milk came from similar nozzles (breast-glans).Today, ancient sacred sex has been replaced by religious BS

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Before beginning the adoration & sacred visit to the Cave of Creation look at Venus Genetrix (your girlfriend) as if looking at the virgin Mary. Think of your mother family the Christian Mass you were conditioned in keeping Penis-Christ in a semi-resurrected state unable to spill His offerings outside the cave

    While worshiping Venus getting the altar ready for climax Penischrist wanting to come imagine the Cave a very ugly one till the time is ready

    It’s ALL in the Brain

  • akatsukimercenary says:

    Cal, when I fuck I feel my milk of creation coming out before my girlfriend is ready for her climax. Am I just quickening or I need to pay more attention to my girlfriend’s needs before mine? Cause she hates before I climax before her almost destroying the dynamics. (Amigo, necesito ayuda. Si, yo hablo espanol. Soy Mexicano).

  • calpurnpiso says:


    hey retard the Subject of my video is

    Sacred Drugs and Holy Sex in Ancient Texts 83009

    Please see a neurologist to get that brain repaired, it is not working too well.

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Hey retard, why post the same meaningless garbage on my videos? I suggest you go see a neurologist & get that deluded brain repair…it is stuck in the Middle Ages. I suggest after you visit a neurologist to LEARN ancient History & SCIENCE so you understand what my videos say & could post EDUCATED response.

    Bye, get well soon. I block people that post non sequiturs

  • just4my1andonlybunny says:

    (continued) on youtube. And don’t forget that to find out/learn if its true or not you must be open minded. This could prove many people wrong.

  • just4my1andonlybunny says:

    i was wondering if you could make a video of yourself playing the Ouija board game. since you don’t believe in “imaginary friends” it shouldn’t be a problem right. many people are skeptical about that game and want to know if its bullshit. You seem quite educated about the human knowledge. First play the Ouija board alone without anyone or the camera. The next day videotape your self playing. And then the day after the next day play with two other people and video tape it. Post both videos

  • PlanetSledge says:

    Brilliant! You are!

  • calpurnpiso says:


    BTW Christ-psychosis infected retard, it is

    Get a NEW brain, the one you have is infected with Belief in IMAGINARY Friends

  • calpurnpiso says:


    Again retarded in Christ, thank you for proving my point that people that BELIEVE in imaginary friends, aka gods, demons, angels etc are RETARDED, extremely IGNORANT or suffer from a DELUSIONS accepting DISORDER not unlike status epilepticus or schizophrenia

    Please see a neurologist & LEARN ENGLISH.
    Thanks again. Don’t forget that when you kneel down or clasp hands you’re actually worshiping Penis Christ. Deal with the TRUTH, I can back up EVERYTHING I say with FACTS

  • EasterBunnySucks says:


  • calpurnpiso says:


    in pace deorum is a Latin phrase that means ” In peace of the Gods”..It is a dichotomy on my part for I know god & other delusions are created by the brain

    This word PEACE (Pat Condell uses it) today originated thousands of years ago in Rome from that sentence since Romans were extremely religious. A good things is that they had MANY gods, one for each occasion in daily activity. This created great tolerance

    When empire imposes the BELIEF in ONE god ( theirs), intolerance begins.

  • ChampX1 says:

    Except that everything he preaches is backed up by facts 🙂

  • fedegita says:

    I love this guy. He preaches, curses and spews his arm-chair ideas of truth as aggressively as a fundamentalist Christian. Like two peas in a pod!

  • Ma1KoN says:

    Great information amigo as always, one thing i always forget to ask, what does ”Pache dioro” means? I’ve heard it somewhere before but i cant remember where

  • calpurnpiso says:


    YES, the majority of people in this planet are STUPID & believe in imaginary friend (god) this makes them besides stupid also ignorant & retarded
    There are as many gods as the bRAIN can create

    80% Americans believe in resurrecting Zombie Jesus that saves with blood.
    This belief was OK in the Middle Ages, FYI retard we are in the 21st C. Neurology proves the god delusion & others are created in the brain

  • Ostara12 says:

    great video .. 5 stars , favorite … plz watch my videos

  • calpurnpiso says:


    To educate your malfunctioning brain retard
    Atheism means LACK OF BELIEF got it?
    Phobia of god or godophobia in plebeian uneducated lingo means FEAR of delusions of imaginary friends (god et al)

    in your incredible IGNORANCE, no doubt the result of defective genes ( this is common in Christ-psychosis infected families), you fail to realize I’m mentally healthy IOW an ATHEIST, which means LACKING BELIEF in the bs you hold so dear

    I’m certain you think ignorance is a virtue. LEARN

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