How can you make sex sacred? Is there a way that it can be more than about just the physical connection? Find out about tantra and other sacred sexualities with Dr. Joy. For more information on love and health, or to read a full transcript of this video, visit www.loveandhealth.info

Presenting the truth, backed up by archaeology & neurology of WHERE belief in God originated from, the WHY and HOW these Beliefs were organized into religion. It all started with SACRED SEX & its Orgasmic Heavenly Gift
Your serpent burrows, and your consciousness descends with it.
@mateoboy11 very true, this stupid woman is an insignificant fleck in this world carved from the powers that be, sexual magick is not to be messed with unless your actaully intouch with masonic ritual or Thelema and Enochian magick…
BTW the knights templar practiced a different type of magic involving homosexual sodomy, and nothing to do with the female.
Lol at all these comments trying to make sex magick sounds dangerous. Matter is the lowest form of existence and esoterically all of the talk of “evil demons” “shells of the dead” etc is only talking about materialism and fear. Your using fear to bash sex magick which is a means of transcending matter, so whos really the black magickian here? Lol at trying to sound like you know what your talking about.
@mateoboy11 & everyone else
Lol at all these comments trying to make sex magick sounds dangerous. Matter is the lowest form of existence and esoterically all of the talk of “evil demons” “shells of the dead” etc is only talking about materialism and fear. Your using fear to bash sex magick which is a means of transcending matter, so whos really the evil one here? Lol at trying to sound like you know what your talking about.
I’m not gay, but Crowley was bisexual and made claims that homosexual magic was more powerful.
I do not know why and certainly won’t discover this for myself, but Crowley did pioneer modern day sex magick (see wiki). Basically he stated that you focus on your goals during climax, as well as use heightened energies leading up to it.
Think it has more to do with energy flow, and not fluids.
Umm the gender does matter. Females secrete different fluids than males do. This is not an anti gay statement….if you want to do the magick correctly you have to have the right fluids. Like making a cocktail…..cant make a margarita with whiskey.
Shes hot!
can sex magick heal the body from all its illneses and problems like eye floaters?
lol !!
Yes, she has no clue what the fuck she is toying with.
You’re playing with a fire that… well… imagine thinking you can reason with or control an earthquake or a polar bear on acid. The look in your eyes tells me that you have no clue what you’re dabbling with, sweetie, and this may really bite you in the ass… fine if you wanna play, but nviting others into this b.s. arena is sick and extremely dangerous. The Forces you think you’re ‘tapping’ into or ‘working’ with ride a razor edge… life’s integrity allows children playtime…to a point
I only time I couldn’t get an erection was during a sex magick ritual lol
I found it all too clinical; and this with someone who I loved and trusted; although I have read that sex magick should only be done with a stranger because of the element of danger involved;
Sacred Sex: the Hindu religion says that your partner is God or Goddess, you fall in love with the human and the Divine, and the great sex follows both on the physical and metaphysical levels
i love how she leaves out that crowley was possessed to his eyeballs by demons from using magick…magick can only be performed with the assistance of supernatural entities who want only for you to open doors for them…any high level occultist knows this….i mean crowley? come on the guy spent his last years broke eating hard boiled eggs and shooting dope….real fuckin sexy!
Christianity as we know it is fake…Yashua existed, but taught an outer exoteric version of the mysteries and a more complex esoteric or inner doctrine to his apostles…these are the same mysteries moses was an initiate to during his time in egypt. elites have always give the masses exoteric versions to be taken literally while those with the eyes to see and ears to hear would see more than the veil…sex the gate to eden video is a good foundation for this
aleister crowley was a M16 agent. he had a ritual with barbara bush;s grandmother.
Thank you
She looks great. The lighting and visual background in this video are much softer, and therefore complimentary to her appearance than in her other videos. Very pretty.
Do you work with Green Dragons or Jade Dragons? Or both?
Very interesting information can u please message me about how Christianity is fake thank you
not that my first post is a reply to DHF777’s ignorant remark something about almighty spirits in the sky and babies born to virgins and what not
Wow you know the church of satanism is a fake religion that was made up in the 1960s… and that no one actually was satanic and the knights templar were tortured into admiting to practicing witchcraft and homosexuality the Pentacle(was then incorrectly called baphomet after one of the knights) so in all reality its just a bunch of excuses to have orgies and kill your neighbors annoying dog…
But christianity is fake to but don’t even get me started on that…
“Dr. Joy” extensively quotes Nicholas and Zenna Shreck from a book they wrote about sex magick. The Shreck’s are leaders in the First Church of Satan. Zenna is the daughter of Anton Levay – the churches founder. Nicholas stated in a video interview that he is a Nazi. This statement came on an evening after he led the Church of Satan in a ritual celebrating Charles Manson’s bloody rampage that butchered thirty-five people. Before you party in these peoples ways – caveat emptor – buyer beware!
thx for theses great vids very informing n entertaining sex is very powerful for me personally when your wth someone you connect n are both honest n decent its like a religous experience if your with someone just to get off its usually similiar to masturbation by the way your a beautiful intelligent women anyway i can get 1 on one classes?
Orgasmic stars…Have you seen stars after a orgasm…I have…After word I was lying there seeing stars
Remember the movie twins..Arnold was in a daze after his firts time…
anyway there is true spiritual incarnation of higher spirits to this magick..
part 1
Tantra learning and tantric experiences are different things. anybody can learn anything.
its the existential needs for the development of our personality. tantra teaches the G-spot is in the brain. in the beginning period of our life when a strong NEED comes for a sex only that part stimulates its own accord. that time the whole body becomes one big G-spot. mostly this happens in the beginning period of our life. then the whole life is longing for to get back the beginning.