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of years for such purposes as creating luck, prosperity, protection, love and spiritual development.

Fresh flowers are also added to an altar or sacred space for their scent, color, beauty and freshness. The presence of plants, whether it be in the sacred garden or as a pot plant in an internal sacred space, will provide oxygen, freshening and improving the atmosphere.


Certain sound frequencies and vibration are of benefit for cleansing, calming, energizing, revitalizing, healing and raising the vibrational energy of your sacred space. As with scent, the sounds you select will depend upon the activity you are performing and your particular preference. A cleansing Om will purify the energy in a room and raise the vibration. Repetitive sounds such as mantras, chants and drumming increase the vibrational energy. Ringing a bell is traditional for at the beginning of many spiritual practices. In Wicca, the bell is rung at the start of a ritual to invoke the Goddess. A small decorative bell is often a standard item on an altar.

Instinctively, we know what sounds or music to play to best serve our needs at any particular time. A CD player and a selection of music and guided meditations will come in handy in your sacred space. At times you may just like to enjoy the silence, if you are lucky enough to have this choice. If you have a sacred garden or a room that opens out onto a natural setting, listening to the sounds of the birds, the breeze through the trees, crickets and other natural sounds provides the ultimate music for relaxation.


A lamp or lantern that emits a soft glow will provide a relaxing atmosphere for meditation, relaxation and

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