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Salvia For Sale


The salvia is a plant to place in full sun and requires well drained soil. Salvia divinorum (popularly known by its genus name Salvia) is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects. The salvia is a relative of the sage plant. The species name,Divi- norum, was given because of its traditional use in divination and healing Reisfield 1993. Salvia has become both increasingly well-known and available in modern culture.Place the salvia in borders and rock gardens as they require little care.Another name for the salvia is violet sage or perennial sage.

These flowers will bloom from June through September and really require little care to maintain. The East Friesland variety is dark violet and needs no staking. You can keep salvias blooming longer in the summer season by deadheading them when the flowers are spent. For floppy plants, cut the blooms and the stalks and flowers will come back stronger and sturdier.

Salvia Divinorum

Salvia divinorum (also known as Diviner’s Sage) and by its genus name Salvia is a psychoactive plant which can induce dissociative effects. Its native habitat is within cloud forest in the isolated Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, Mexico, growing in shady and moist locations.The plant grows to over a meter high has hollow square stems, large leaves, and occasional white flowers with violet calyx. Botanists have not determined whetherSalvia divinorum is a cultigen or a hybrid; native plants reproduce vegetatively, rarely producing viable seed. In recent years salvia has become increasingly popular amongst explorers of

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