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SANTANA PERFORMING LIVE FEATURING PETER GREEN! Gregg Rolie (Vocals) (Original member) Carlos Santana (Guitar) Peter Green (Guitar) ( Wrote the song)) Myron Dove (Bass) Michael Shrieve(Drums) (Original Member) Karl Perazzo(Timbales,Percussion) Michael Carabello(Congas) (Original Member)

Black magic has been big business for years in Indonesia. People seek help of witch doctors to fulfil their goals and dreams and remedy their problems – be it personal, financial or political. But now there is growing fear that sorcery has gone out of control and some believe the government should regulate it. Al Jazeera’s Step Vaessen reports from Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital, where she met Ki Joko Bodo, the most successful witch doctor in the country. [June 13, 2010]
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  • Videowatcher76 says:

    @ukulaleman ,
    Black Magic Woman” is a song written by Peter Green that first appeared as a Fleetwood Mac single in various countries in 1968, It became a classic hit by Santana and sung by Gregg Rolie in 1970, reaching #4 in the U.S. and Canadian charts, after appearing on their Abraxas album, becoming more closely associated with Santana than Fleetwood Mac.

  • NewYorkMinuteRock says:

    wow. I never knew these had performed together. It is a shame Greeny didn’t take lead on it, but know he is rather reclusive and was probably just glad to be able to play.

    The first time i saw santana, before this song Carlos spent a couple of minutes telling the crowd how influential Green was both on Santana, and music in general. He seemed to have nothing but respect for him (and rightly so)

    Im a fan of both guitarist’s styles and am just glad to hear them play whenever i can

  • dcd442 says:

    thanks for the input. I’ll check it out. But… I know that lineup.
    Right now…I’m finding Green’s stuff. And…enjoying the hell out of it. Great writer. Great bluesman.

  • TimBirkenholz says:

    @dcd442 download fleetwood mac – live in boston vol. 1
    It’ll change your life

  • shockingblue55 says:

    Peter Green is one of the tragic figures in rock history; I’m happy to see him on stage, even though it’s not “his” concert. Hope all the best for him.

  • itsnotinthisbox says:

    @ukulaleman righton peter green is a better guitarist than santana anyday my opinion also

  • dcd442 says:

    nice input. I hate to admit it. I didn’t know who he was. I was listening to an old favorite… Judas Priests “green Manalishi”. Got to thinking…I really didn’t know the history of the song. So I looked it up.
    WOW…how did I not know of him. I’m watching his vid’s. 1st thought… he has a blues background (his singing style, and playing).
    If you don’t mind. drop me a note. I wanna know more about Peter Green.

  • Strandnorebo88 says:

    dear Peter,
    If I remember, I saw you two times with fleetwood mac in late 60’s or earlie 70’s.
    Great cool performance without south american style but only with anglo english blues style. Later in beginning of 80’s with a style of raggie and now with Santana.
    Have to say, loved most the music in late 60’s which was more punk and pure sound.
    thx for the music Peter

  • whirlwindcomes says:

    @ukulaleman ….Santana is the bigger Star ,everyone associates the song wit santana therefore Santana is the man….pimpin aint ez but some1 has 2 do it lmao

  • mrmustangman1964 says:


    Just a point of note, Peter Green wrote black Magic Woman in 1967 not in the ’70’s. Just so you know.

  • Zappaphilia says:

    Calm down brothers! The Black Magic Woman (Gabor Szabo: Gypsy Queen) Koulak “debates” generated by the rock press. The rock újságíróiról Frank Zappa said the right one. Santana exemplary conduct, good man. Gabor Szabo in 1970, has clarified the issue. Here you can see in the video: Santana, a man of peace. Everybody can learn from her humanity pure-hearted man, Santana is the evidence of record. Peter Green Santana’s guitar playing.

  • Zappaphilia says:

    Calm down brothers! The Black Magic Woman (Gabor Szabo: Gypsy Queen) Koulak “debates” generated by the rock press. The rock újságíróiról Frank Zappa said the right one. Santana exemplary conduct, good man. Gabor Szabo in 1970, has clarified the issue. Here you can see in the video: Santana, a man of peace. Everybody can learn from her humanity pure-hearted man, Santana is the evidence of record. Peter Green Santana’s guitar playing.
    MeghallgatásOlvasás fonetikusan

  • mistersnaredrum says:

    @BONAMANTE13 i agree. However, if ukulaleman had said that the bass guitar’s neck is plain daft, i’d have had to agree with him :o)

  • MrRocketdriver says:

    please that guitar what king peter(fleetwood mac) +++original song in england when fleedwood mac was peter green and garlos santana was a greenhorn,know that all,but that guitar what greenhorn and master plays.What is it?Beautifull!!!

  • MrRocketdriver says:

    please that guitar what king peter(fleetwood mac) +++original song in england when fleedwood mac was peter green and garlos santana was a greenhorn,know that all,but that guitar what greenhorn and master plays.What is it?

  • drhdtexzvds says:

    Last Naughty women online

  • BONAMANTE13 says:

    @MELLSBAD you may have a point there ,the whacky hats/Berets & a Bong!

    I want a hat like that! ;-)……

  • MELLSBAD says:

    @BONAMANTE13 The whole thing could be resolved if Keith Richards wore one of these whacky hats that Carlos & Peter are sporting.

  • MrMusicalsoul says:

    @ukulaleman … “Then play On” proves any / everything about Peter Green. I see no cause for insult or injury. Case dismissed.

  • sandal101 says:

    Thank you Peter Green for writing such a sexy song in the 70’s when you were with Fleetwood Mac! But Carlos Santana!!!! Wow!!! Took this song the its most highest of coolness! And Peter Green Knows it! 😀 Good job to all of you. 😀 Sandal

  • BONAMANTE13 says:

    @znkp Am sorry ,I believe the fall & injure ,what I meant was ,I just don’t believe what you said about ,Keith Richards writing Black Magic Woman!
    & am not saying you’re making that up either!

  • BONAMANTE13 says:

    @ukulaleman First ,you need to know why he was there ,this was no insult at all,know the facts first before you coming & start shooting at Carlos!!
    he didn’t even play later on that night with Fleetwood Mac ,Fleetwood Mac Performed but without him when they were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame,now that is an insult!

  • ukulaleman says:

    Its lame. To have Peter Green guest on this song and have Santana do the lead guitar is an insult to Peter Green who wrote and sang the song. Santana should of had Peter5 Green do lead and sing or shouldn’t of had Peter Green subject to this mockery of his song.

  • znkp says:

    @BONAMANTE13: Quoting BBC: “Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards has been taken to hospital in New Zealand after injuring himself while on holiday in Fiji.”

  • giggadygiggadygoo says:

    There is such a thing as ‘Living Legends’

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