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A visiting pastor at Sarah Palin’s longterm church in Wasilla, is an admitted Witchhunter in Kenya. Sarah Palin gives credit to Pastor Muthee for praying her into the governor’s office. This pastor has vistited this church over 10 times and is proud of his witchhunting in Kenya. He even made a video describing his “success” in driving out a witch from the town by threatening to stone the old woman. About Witch-hunts: A witch-hunt is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and mob lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials. Many cultures throughout the world, both ancient and modern, have reacted to allegations of witchcraft either with superstitious fear and awe, and killed any alleged practitioners of witchcraft outright; or, shunned it as quackery, extortion or fraud. Witch-hunts still occur in the modern era in many communities where religious values condemn the practice of witchcraft and the occult. Witch-hunts in Kenya: Although Pastor Muthee is not known to be involved in this incident, this type of witchhunt has been reported in Kenya this year. Note the targets are the elderly. Witchhunts usually target the weakest of society and have nothing to do with actual “spiritual warfare”. In late May, news outlets in Kenya told the story of 15 people, mostly elderly women, who were murdered in a witch hunt near the town of Kisii. The killings shocked the nation
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Sarah Palin, Witchhunting, and her Wacky Church

  • 7pentecostal7 says:

    ONE God. His name is Jesus. And He is? the ONE TRUE ALMIGHTY? GOD!!!

  • moonshineIX says:

    Someone seriously needs to crack her in the face and tell her stfu and sit down. I wouldn’t let her lead a line of people to a gumball machine let alone a country, city or state…

  • gardener2011 says:

    the things of God is foolishness to the world. open your eyes people, read your bibles . Yes what you just seen is the power of God at work, it will close down bars, run demons out of town, if you ask Him He will give you life. NO JESUS., NO LIFE. take it or leave .your choice.

  • skitzoLSD says:

    @mikeseattlewa millions of people have delusions yes that is not out of the ordinary. humans are also VERY influential.
    there are millions of people of other religions who have experiences. all of them including yours are explainable.
    liberals dont have to have tolerance of everyone. they are allowed to tell people when they are behaving in a crazy irrational manner. your folk MIGHT not be insane, but they certainly do have delusions and act irrational. sorry.

  • mikeseattlewa says:

    @skitzoLSD The fact is is that millions of people really have experiences that are supernatural and not something you can just go check out like watching a circus act. You don’t have to believe in it, just know that there are millions of people who do. Some of the comments on here are from people whom I have the impression are “liberals,” well..where’s your tolerance now? Where’d that go all of a sudden? So,My folk are a bunch of insane jibberish idiots who pray to an invisible man? Really?

  • TheFateWolf says:

    Can that woman even take a piss without making herself look like a fucking idiot?

  • skitzoLSD says:

    @mikeseattlewa no its not a foreign language. it is group think and a clear sign that you are insane.

  • skitzoLSD says:

    @mikeseattlewa why are you lying? or do you actually believe what you are saying? you sound like a nut

  • CometArmagon says:

    @mikeseattlewa Those are not foreign languages its jibberish at best

  • LucienZakhaev says:

    @wcb2591 Just to let you know, not all of Guyana is like that. They are fairly liberal (ish) people …

  • jacewolf301 says:

    @mikeseattlewa I personally find the whole idea of praying to an invisible man as shocking, but we both have different opinions.

  • jacewolf301 says:

    Here is the amusing thing to me. Most Christians long to see the events in revelations happen, but they seem to openly try to put christian into office to purify the country. I wonder if they see the humor in this with them trying to make America christian. It looks as if they want to stop the events in revelations, but knowing how little people read their own religious book it is not that surprising. We can only hope a idiot like Palin loses, with with Americans i have my doubts.

  • SuspiciouslyDLicious says:

    @mikeseattlewa ….except they’re not “foreign languages”. They’re made-up gooble-gobble. When you watch videos of this insanity, it’s all baby-talk!!! Watch them!!!

  • Shadowsilas says:

    This church, that would hunt down and destroy a womans life because she beleives differently, is truely an evil church. Hey pastor, I’m a pagan, wanna hunt me down? Here in America I actually have rights unlike the kenyans, making the an easy target for ur lies and fear mongering

  • mikeseattlewa says:

    speaking in tongues?! A lot of Christians speak in tongues. We don’t roll down main street doing it though. It’s a private thing that happens within the church. But believe me, it’s a very real thing, it’s spiritual, and something that would shock most unbelievers to hear a group of people praying in foreign languages. But believe me, in the church.. it’s normal.

  • mikeseattlewa says:

    @cre599 Really… have you ever seen a person possessed? I mean really possessed? I’m assuming not. Have you ever seen a ouija board fly off a table a shoot across a room and break into a wall/ probably not. have you ever seen a satanic riitual? Or an animal sacrifice? Well.. I have. My hometown has seen it all. Most people are completely unimformed, demonic possession and the idea of witches (satan followers) is a very VERY real thing.

  • cliffhammond says:

    Sorry, I just can’t brook all the messages on the screen. It’s distracting. Stuff like that usually comes from editorial overreach, no matter how noble the cause.

  • Flashistic says:

    You don’t kill or persecute unbelievers because it is illegal and you will be arrested for it. Thank the church for that? No, thank centuries of fighting the church. Thank the lives of those who sacrifice for the ending the rule of superstition. Not all Muslims think as you do. Too bad religion is a bad teacher of truth.

  • Flashistic says:

    You don’t kill or persecute unbelievers because it is illegal and you will be arrested for it. Thanks the church for that? No, thank centuries of fighting the church. Thank the lives of those who sacrifice for the ending up the rule of superstition. Not all Muslims think as you do. Too bad religion is a bad teacher of truth.

  • Flashistic says:

    Call her out! Post and re-post!.

  • winterstellar says:

    Gee, I hope I meet that “witch-hunter” one day. No “praying” or “cursing” or any other superstitious bullcrap will save him from getting his ass severely kicked then, haha.: )

  • wcb2591 says:

    Hopefully Sarah and her buddy Wasilla will move to “Palin Town” in Guyana with all her supporters

  • merlion17 says:

    Hey all, if we want approval, I guess all we can do is go to the Church of NBC. Anything else, is out of bounds. Notice how many times, they refer to “most of us.” As if “most of us” attend churches that are supported by NBC et al. No thanks, Keith. Your path is your own.

  • PlanetBongoSan says:

    @camazotzz oh now let’s not be negative

  • camazotzz says:

    religion will never die, specific ones might but organized spiritual beliefs will exist as long as people exist

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